Kath Scarlet

title: Kath Scarlet

During the Galactic Civil War, the Human female known as Kath Scarlet served as the captain of the Binayre Pirates. This group of pirates and smugglers conducted their operations within the Corellian sector. Scarlet would target defenseless starships traversing Corellian space, utilizing her Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft to launch ambushes and seize their cargo. On one occasion, when the Galactic Empire deployed a team to eliminate a Rebel base located on Talus, Scarlet launched an attack and boarded their shuttle as it exited hyperspace, but she was ultimately repelled by the Imperials and their superior weaponry. Around this time, she also attempted to commandeer the Z-95 Headhunter named Dire Hound from its spacer owner; however, she was forced to retreat when the spacer mounted a defense of their starfighter.


Kath Scarlet in action

During the Imperial era, Kath Scarlet, a female Human, made her living as a pirate. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, she had risen to the rank of captain of the Binayre Pirates. This group of pirates and smugglers was based on the twin worlds of Talus and Tralus and exerted control over several regions within the Corellian sector, including the Trifecta Star and the Rayless Lantern. Scarlet made a practice of attacking merchant ships that passed through the area, concealing her Kuat Systems Engineering Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft among asteroids in order to ambush and capture unsuspecting starships.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire received intelligence regarding a clandestine Rebel base situated on Talus. In response, they dispatched a group of Imperial officers from the Raithal Academy with orders to locate and destroy it. Scarlet's Firespray happened to be in close proximity when the Imperial squad's Lambda-class T-4a shuttle materialized from hyperspace within the Corellian system. Mistaking the newly arrived vessel for a cargo transport, Scarlet initiated an attack, employing her ship's ion cannon to target the shuttle's hyperdrive, effectively disabling it and preventing its escape. Subsequently, the crippled shuttle was grappled and boarded, with Scarlet personally leading a group of pirates in the boarding action. Upon encountering the shuttle's crew, Scarlet demanded their surrender and requested to be taken to the cargo hold. However, the Imperials refused to comply and brandished concealed weapons, resulting in a fierce firefight during which the Imperials gained the advantage. Recognizing the deteriorating situation, Scarlet skillfully retreated through the airlock back to her Firespray and fled before the Imperials could repair their hyperdrive and pursue her, although several of her pirates were captured by the Empire.

Around the same time, the Binayre Pirates became aware of a spacer who was present in the Corellian system to recover the Z-95 Headhunter Dire Hound. This particular vessel had previously belonged to their aunt, Evgenia, and was located within a secret hangar on Talus. The Empire had also received information about the Z-95 and dispatched a team, led by Imperial Security Bureau agent Jeffren Brek, to seize it. Scarlet and a contingent of Binayres trailed the Imperials to the hangar and waited while a shootout erupted between Brek's team and the spacer. Only after the Imperials were driven back did the pirates reveal their presence to the spacer. With her heavy blaster pistol aimed at the spacer, Scarlet demanded that they relinquish the Z-95 to her. However, the spacer was determined to defend their property and engaged in a brief but intense firefight. Concluding that the potential reward was not worth the risk, Scarlet and a few of her pirates withdrew, leaving the spacer alone.

Personality and traits

Scarlet's Firespray ambushing a lone Z-95 Headhunter

Kath Scarlet possessed the traits of a shrewd pirate, employing the tactic of concealing her ship among asteroids to surprise unsuspecting vessels. She readily attacked unarmed ships. Unlike most pilots, who preferred to maintain a short distance from their targets to fire while avoiding the target's firing arc, Scarlet would often overshoot her opponents during the initial attack. She then executed a series of unpredictable, low-speed maneuvers to gain a favorable firing position and catch them off guard. She was known to occasionally execute a Koiogran turn to position herself directly in front of her adversary, relying on her skills to fire first. After disabling a target, she would board it and offer the crew a chance to surrender their cargo, but she was prepared to resort to lethal force if necessary. She also pursued targets of personal interest, such as the Z-95 Headhunter Dire Hound, due to her admiration for its upgraded 2b fission engines and bubble canopy. Under her command, the Binayre Pirates were well-equipped and organized. However, Scarlet prioritized her own safety over that of her crew, demonstrated by her decision to abandon a fight with Imperial forces, resulting in the capture of several of her crew members. She often used sarcasm when addressing her victims and even winked at the Imperials as she fled their shuttle. Scarlet typically wore a flight suit and carried a heavy blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

Kath Scarlet was originally created for Squadrons Over Corellia, an expansion set for the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game, which was released on December 16, 2008. Scarlet is a character involved in both the light and dark side campaigns, and she is featured on the "Kath Scarlet" card. Game designer Chuck Kallenbach hinted at the possibility of Scarlet choosing a specific side in the Galactic Civil War.

