Koiogran turn

A TIE fighter is shown here executing a Koiogran turn to get away from a Z-95 Headhunter that is chasing it.

The Koiogran turn, which can also be called a drop-kick Koiogran turn, is a combat tactic. It was developed by Kendra Novar and used by starfighter pilots to break free from being chased. The pilot would push the throttle forward using one hand and simultaneously twist the control stick with their other hand. This would cause the craft to lose all forward speed and perform a loop-roll in a different direction.


While Tarrin Datch was growing up on Pellezara station, he was often given the task of moving freighters into their assigned parking spots while the pilots waited for their ships to receive maintenance. On one occasion, Datch performed a small-scale Koiogran turn while piloting a bulk freighter, resulting in the destruction of a dozen beacon pods. As punishment for this stunt, his father grounded him to traffic control and resupply duties for a period of three standard weeks.

Luke Skywalker tried, but failed, to escape Mara Jade by performing a drop-kick Koiogran turn. This occurred while they were both flying Skipray Blastboats within the atmosphere of Myrkr. Because Luke was not familiar with the craft at that time, he accidentally struck the top of the treeline after his ship lost its forward momentum. This caused both ships to crash into the forest below.

During the skirmish at Chazwa, the Kern's Pride attempted to evade two Lancer-class frigates by using a modified version of the drop-kick Koiogran maneuver. However, the frigates were not deceived by this tactic and continued to pursue the modified CR90 corvette.

At some point during the Galactic Civil War, the Koiogran turn was taught to both Imperial and Alliance starfighter pilots. It was seen as a potential method for not only escaping pursuit, but also for creating an opportunity for the pilot to turn their weapons on their pursuer.

