Invasion of the Double Worlds

The Double Worlds invasion represents an effort by Corellia, joined by its allies, to reclaim dominion over the separatist Double Worlds – specifically Talus and Tralus.


In approximately 500 BBY, the residents of Talus and Tralus, reacting to thousands of years of contempt, broke away from Corellia's central power that governed the Corellian system, establishing the independent entity known as the Federation of the Double Worlds. Corellia assembled its forces, alongside those from other planets within the system, namely Selonia and Drall, with the intent of retaking the Double Worlds. Overconfident in their capabilities, the Corellians initiated a forceful, yet ultimately unsuccessful, attack that was pushed back. The subsequent conflict was protracted and brutal; however, the invading forces were unable to seize control of the rebellious planets. The Federation of the Double Worlds ultimately prevailed, solidifying its position as the unchallenged authority over the Double Worlds. This unsuccessful campaign led the isolated Selonians to definitively steer clear of intervening in the affairs of other planets.


  • Coruscant and the Core Worlds
  • Suns of Fortune

Notes and references
