The Drall Patriots represented an extremist faction of Drall natives who advocated for Drall's freedom from the Corellian system's unified government during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
This small and disorganized military group, the Drall Patriots, found themselves subject to CorSec's laws without the autonomy to establish their own. Eventually, the Drall government decided they had endured enough. Covertly, they began training troops and deploying them to Corellia and Talus with the mission to combat CorSec and their allies, the Fed-Dub. Initially, the patriot forces were outmatched by CorSec. Their prospects improved only after receiving support from the Selonian Separatists.
Following the Battle of Yavin, the Drall Patriots maintained a presence on Corellia. Their base of operations was a cave situated within the Agrilat Swamp. Additionally, they possessed a warehouse located on the periphery of Doaba Guerfel.
In the year 1 ABY, an agent of CorSec, under the command of Captain Vitala Baize, launched an investigation into the Doaba Guerfel warehouse. This investigation was prompted by information from an informant, Lilith Laughlin, suggesting potential ties between the Drall Patriots and a criminal syndicate known as the Chirq Council. The agent proceeded to raid the warehouse, resulting in the deaths of several Drall Patriot strategists. While the raid uncovered plans for future terrorist activities by the Patriots, no evidence linking them to the Chirq Council was discovered. Simultaneously, Dayana, a Selonian peacekeeper, was conducting her own investigation of the warehouse. The Selonian enlisted a spacer to infiltrate the warehouse with the objective of uncovering the Patriots' plans. The spacer successfully downloaded data from their terminals, enabling Dayana to foil the Drall Patriots' impending attack.