Vitala Baize

Vitala Baize, a red-haired Human female who served as a police officer within the Corellian Security Force, resided on Corellia during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Subsequent to the Battle of Yavin, Vitala Baize had achieved the rank of captain in the Corellian Security Force and was actively working from her post in the city of Doaba Guerfel.

In the year 1 ABY, the CorSec initiated an investigation targeting the Chirq Council, a criminal syndicate also known to the CorSec as the Red Circle Gang, due to the increasing volume of ryll trafficking on Corellia. After Lieutenant Lon Cope determined that the criminal organization had its headquarters in Doaba Guerfel, Captain Vitala Baize was selected to spearhead the inquiry. Her objective was to plant an operative within the Red Circle Gang, but first, she needed to gather more intelligence about its operations and structure. Captain Baize enlisted the assistance of Lilith Laughlin, a minor criminal who was secretly working for CorSec, to identify potential Chirq Council associates in Doaba Guerfel. However, Laughlin was initially unable to assist CorSec because some Ragtag thugs were harassing her, suspecting her true loyalties. Consequently, Captain Baize sent a former CorSec spacer to permanently deal with the Ragtags.

Captain Vitala Baize conducting business in Doaba Guerfel.

Lilith Laughlin promptly began working for Captain Baize and soon discovered possible links between the Red Circle Gang and a Drall terrorist group known as the Drall Patriots. Nevertheless, after a search of the Drall Patriot Warehouse located in Doaba Guerfel, no connection between the two factions was found. Later, Laughlin instructed the spacer to speak with Gwhirrye Baric, a criminal who managed a spice operation from a small hospital in Doaba Guerfel. After the spacer assisted him in handling Rogue CorSec individuals who were disrupting his business, Baric agreed to disclose a name: Trins Evnar. This individual was a spice dealer with a red circle tattoo on his arm, and further investigations at his house confirmed his membership in the Chirq Council. Captain Baize decided to infiltrate the organization by assuming Trins Evnar's identity. Therefore, the spacer eliminated Trins Evnar, as well as all Chirq Council members who knew Evnar, including Seyda Shae, Genovin Jasha, Jade McDonagh, and Kazic Pendre, to facilitate the infiltration mission. Subsequently, the spacer presented himself as Trins Evnar to Jzoro Quanera, a Chirq Council underboss who was not personally acquainted with Trins Evnar. The agent successfully deceived Quanera and infiltrated the organization.

Captain Vitala Baize's agent commenced working for Jzoro Quanera. Meanwhile, the Chirq Council discovered that an informant was assisting CorSec in its investigation. Consequently, Quanera tasked the spacer with locating and eliminating the informant. To safeguard Lilith Laughlin, the agent instead killed another woman, Ebela Puckett, a Grey Shroud terrorist, and Captain Baize fabricated evidence indicating that the terrorist was working for CorSec. Having gained Jzoro Quanera's trust, the agent was granted complete access to Quanera's database and obtained the identities of the nine elite councilors who governed the Chirq Council, as well as the locations of their secret headquarters. CorSec then launched assaults on the First and Second Elite Council Bunkers. Other CorSec Agents, including Teniel Waray, Chun Solso, and Hurley Klakk, took part in the operation. Spacers employed by Captain Baize eliminated all nine elite councilors. Following their deaths, the remaining members of the Chirq Council quickly dispersed. The operation proved to be a significant triumph for Vitala Baize and the CorSec.

Following the resolution of the Chirq Council affair, Captain Baize suggested that the spacers work for CorSec Agent Taarna on Talus.

Behind the scenes

The character Vitala Baize was conceived for the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. Vitala Baize was integrated into the game through the "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives" update, released on June 8, 2006. Within the game, she provided quests related to the infiltration of the Chirq Council.

A special promotional card featuring her was produced for the Threat of the Conqueror set of the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game in 2010. The card featured artwork by Miguel Coimbra. This card was distributed as part of a tournament pack known as the "Vitala Baize Tournament Pack," which included the Baize promotional card, among other items. The pack was made available during the June 2010 Loot Tournament Weekend Event hosted by Sony, which occurred from June 5 to 6 in 2010.

