During the Galactic Civil War, a formidable criminal syndicate operated on Corellia: the Chirq Council. Initially misidentified by the CorSec as the Red Circle Gang, before their actual identity came to light, they were responsible for extensive spice trafficking and numerous homicides across Corellia. Following the Battle of Yavin, the CorSec successfully dismantled the Chirq Council.

The Chirq Council was a criminal enterprise originating from Corellia. The organization's initial designation as the Red Circle Gang by CorSec stemmed from their use of a red circle as a symbol. Members would often display this symbol through armbands, tattoos, or simply by wearing red clothing. The organization's leadership was composed of nine individuals known as the Elite Council, who operated from two separate bunkers located near the city of Doaba Guerfel. While the Chirq Council's influence extended throughout Corellia, their primary area of operation was centered around Doaba Guerfel. Their criminal activities were diverse, with spice trafficking being their main source of income. They were also involved in the development of bioweapons and heavy weaponry. The ultimate ambition of the Chirq Council was to seize control of all criminal activities on Corellia.
The Chirq Council's origins predate the Galactic Civil War. However, their power expanded significantly during the war, as the conflict diverted the attention of the Corellian Security Forces. By the time of the Battle of Yavin, the CorSec remained unaware of the Chirq Council's existence. As the conflict between the Gallactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance intensified, the criminal organization's leaders decided to assert their dominance over Corellia. At that point, the Elite Council consisted of Markus Gilder, Braganti Hooge, Koran Lassk, Zuld Mar-Shayal, Janos Zarbo, Mathazar Zayet, Rallyn Secura, Crale Forte and Atlan Dubreas.

Following the Battle of Yavin, the city of Kor Vella became a key target for the Chirq Council. Consequently, a chapter of the Chirq Council was established in Kor Vella, centered around a ryll smuggling operation. Smugglers transported the spice to Corellia using small vessels and unloaded it at a bunker located in the plains, where it was also refined. The ryll smuggling ring was overseen by the underboss Ubis Reendorr, with Ladonna Poe acting as the sole intermediary between the Chirq Council and the spice dealers in Kor Vella. Additionally, the Council constructed a base in the Vella plains, which served as the operational hub for the three leaders of the Kor Vella chapter: Vora Anjek, Annor Fash, and Vella Corse. In an attempt to consolidate their power, the Chirq Council sought to corrupt Deel Draav, the mayor of Kor Vella, but the politician refused their bribe. Beyond Kor Vella, the Chirq Council also prepared the sub-councilors Tettsel Anker and Dain Pax to establish branches in Bela Vistal and Vreni Island.
In 1 ABY, the Chirq Council made an attempt on the life of the mayor of Kor Vella, but Deel Draav narrowly escaped the assassination attempt. Lieutenant Cope led the subsequent investigation, enlisting the assistance of an independent spacer. The spacer traced the threatening messages received by the mayor to an abandoned bunker. Within the bunker, the Chirq Council had planted evidence to implicate a political rival, Hershel Sheridan, in the assassination attempt. Shortly thereafter, Sheridan's body was discovered in his house, the death ruled as a suicide. Although Sheridan was murdered by the Chirq to conceal their involvement, the case was seemingly resolved, and the investigation was closed.
Meanwhile, the CorSec grew increasingly concerned about the escalating spice trade in Kor Vella. Following the conclusion of the Sheridan case, Lieutenant Cope was assigned to lead the investigation. A spacer working for Lon Cope began by questioning Menchi Lerann, a local spice addict. Lerann revealed that he acquired his ryll from two spice dealers, Vuul Sarlin and Jaylon Geissler. The spacer later interrogated the dealers, and Sarlin eventually divulged everything he knew about the ryll smuggling ring, including his contact, Ladonna Poe, who supplied him with spice from a nearby bunker. CorSec agents subsequently raided the Ryll Smuggler Bunker, where they discovered crates of unrefined ryll marked with a red circle symbol. However, Lieutenant Cope abruptly halted the assault upon receiving news of the assassination of Kor Vella's mayor, Deel Draav.

Lon Cope reopened the Draav and Sheridan cases and dispatched his agent to re-examine Hershel Sheridan's body. Further investigation revealed that the blaster supposedly used in the suicide lacked a power cell. The spacer also found a card bearing a single red circle in Hershel's hand. Subsequently, the spacer discovered an unopened package containing a large sum of credits in the mayor's office, along with a note bearing a single red circle. As the money had not been deposited into his account, Cope concluded that the mayor had been assassinated for refusing to accept a bribe.
Given the connection between the murders and the ryll smugglers through the red circle symbol, Lon Cope decided to focus on the ryll smuggling ring in order to confront what he termed the Red Circle Gang. Consequently, the spacer working for Lieutenant Cope returned to the Ryll Smuggler Bunker. The CorSec agent eliminated the Rodian smuggler underboss Ubis Reendorr and obtained an access code for the Red Circle Base. The CorSec then assaulted the base and eliminated the three local Chirq leaders: Vora Anjek, Annor Fash, and Vella Corse. The spacer also utilized Reendorr's access code to hack into the base's mainframe and uncover the true identity of the Red Circle Gang. The information obtained revealed that the Chirq Council and its leaders were based in Doaba Guerfel. The case was subsequently transferred to Captain Vitala Baize, a CorSec officer stationed in Doaba Guerfel.

In Doaba Guerfel, Captain Vitala Baize sought to infiltrate an agent into the Chirq Council, but first needed more information about the organization. She enlisted the help of Lilith Laughlin, a petty criminal and CorSec informant, to identify potential Chirq Council members within the city. Laughlin led Baize to Trins Evnar, a spice dealer with a red circle tattoo on his arm. Upon confirming Evnar's membership in the Chirq Council, Captain Baize decided to assume Trins Evnar's identity to infiltrate the organization. To facilitate the infiltration mission, the spacer who had previously worked for Lieutenant Cope eliminated Trins Evnar, as well as all Chirq Council members who knew him, namely Seyda Shae, Genovin Jasha, Jade McDonagh and Kazic Pendre. The spacer then presented himself as Trins Evnar to Jzoro Quanera, the Chirq Council underboss in Doaba Guerfel, who was not personally acquainted with Evnar. The agent successfully deceived Quanera and infiltrated the organization.
Captain Baize's agent began working for Jzoro Quanera, who operated from a bunker near Doaba Guerfel. Meanwhile, the Chirq Council discovered that an informant had assisted the CorSec in its investigation. Quanera tasked the spacer with locating and eliminating the informant. To protect Lilith Laughlin, the agent instead killed Ebela Puckett, a Grey Shroud terrorist, and Captain Baize fabricated evidence to suggest that the terrorist was working for CorSec. Having gained Jzoro Quanera's trust, the agent was granted full access to Quanera's database, obtaining the identities of the nine elite councilors who led the Chirq Council and the locations of their secret headquarters.

The CorSec finally launched an assault on the two Elite Council Bunkers near Doaba Guerfel. Numerous Chirq Council guards were killed during the attack, along with the sub-councilors Tettsel Anker and Dain Pax. The CorSec agents also destroyed the Chirq bioweapons, the experimental heavy weapons, and most of the mechanized guardian. Within the First Elite Council Bunker, the spacer discovered the corpse of Vryim Raeth, an innocent man murdered by the Chirq Council. The CorSec agents eventually located the nine elite councilors in the depths of the bunkers and eliminated them all.
Following the demise of the elite councilors, the Chirq Council rapidly disintegrated. Lacking the leadership and motivation provided by the Elite Council, the surviving members of the Chirq Council turned against each other, leading to the organization's collapse.
The Chirq Council made its debut in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. The Chirq Council was introduced into the game through the "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives" update, released on June 8, 2006.
Unused game data revealed that the Chirq Council was originally intended to be introduced with the release of "Publish 28," which was released on April 26, 2006. In a deleted questline, the player would have been tasked by CorSec Captain Dool and the Tyrena city councilmen Lyman Zavala to investigate the ties between the Chirq Council and the Greck criminals.