Elite Council

MarkusGilder Markus Gilder ZuldMar-Shayal Zuld Mar-Shayal BragantiHooge Braganti Hooge KoranLassk Koran Lassk JanosZarbo Janos Zarbo MathazarZayet Mathazar Zayet RallynSecura Rallyn Secura CraleForte Crale Forte AtlanDubreas Atlan Dubreas

During the Galactic Civil War, the Chirq Council, a criminal syndicate operating on Corellia, was governed by the Elite Council. This council served as the organization's leadership.


Following the Battle of Yavin, the Elite Council consisted of nine individuals. These members included Markus Gilder, Zuld Mar-Shayal, Braganti Hooge, Koran Lassk, Janos Zarbo, Mathazar Zayet, Rallyn Secura, Crale Forte, and Atlan Dubreas. Their base of operations was split between two fortified locations, known as the First and Second Elite Council Bunkers, situated close to the city of Doaba Guerfel.

In the year 1 ABY, the Corellian Security Force launched an inquiry into the Chirq Council because of escalating ryll trafficking on Corellia. An agent from CorSec, Captain Vitala Baize, successfully went undercover within the organization. The CorSec operative, using the identity of Chirq Council member Trins Evnar, was able to penetrate the Chirq Council cell led by Jzoro Quanera in Doaba Guerfel. From Jzoro Quanera's data archives, CorSec obtained the identities of the nine elite councilors along with the locations of their hidden headquarters. Ultimately, CorSec attacked the First and Second Elite Council Bunkers, eliminating all nine members of the elite council. The Chirq Council dissolved into numerous factions after the elite council members were killed.

Additional Information

The Elite Council of the Chirq Council made an appearance in Star Wars Galaxies, the 2003 video game which was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. Sony Online Entertainment developed the game and LucasArts published it. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. The game was updated with "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives," which added the Elite Council on June 8, 2006.

