Hershel Sheridan

Hershel Sheridan, a politician of the Human species, identified as male, resided on Corellia during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Around the time that the Battle of Yavin occurred, Hershel sought the position of mayor for the city of Kor Vella. Deel Draav was his main competitor in this election. Although both employed underhanded methods throughout the campaign, Sheridan was defeated at the polls, albeit by a narrow margin. Lon Cope, an officer of the CorSec, noted that he did not handle the electoral loss well.

In the year 1 ABY, the Chirq Council, a criminal syndicate with significant influence on Corellia, orchestrated Sheridan's death. He was fatally shot in the head within his own house, and a DL-44 blaster was placed in his hand to simulate suicide. The Chirq Council's true objective was the assassination of Mayor Draav, and they intended to frame Sheridan for the act. They strategically placed a piece of paper bearing his letterhead near a transmitter that was used to send threatening messages to Draav. An independent investigator, working for Lieutenant Cope, located the paper and subsequently discovered Sheridan's body with the blaster. Consequently, Sheridan was initially believed to be responsible for the attempted murder, and the case was closed.

However, Draav was later killed in a subsequent assassination attempt, leading to the reopening of the investigation. Upon a second examination of Sheridan's body, the investigator noticed the blaster lacked a power cell. Further investigation revealed that the Chirq Council had murdered Sheridan, and he was not responsible for the attempt on Draav's life.

Behind the scenes

Hershel Sheridan functioned as a non-player character (NPC) within Star Wars Galaxies, a MMORPG developed by Sony Online Entertainment, prior to the game's shutdown on December 15, 2011. Hershel Sheridan was introduced to the game through the "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives" update, which was released on June 8, 2006. His dead body was located inside his home in Kor Vella on Corellia. The player was tasked by Lon Cope with investigating the attack on Deel Draav, and during this investigation, they discovered a scrap of paper in an abandoned bunker. The player then received a waypoint directing them to Sheridan's residence, where they found his corpse. Following Draav's murder, the player was required to re-examine the corpse. This ultimately led to the exposure of the Chirq Council and several CorSec operations aimed at dismantling the organization. These quests formed part of the Legacy quest, which was the longest quest line featured in the game.

