Ubis Reendorr, originating from Corellia, was a male Rodian who operated as both a smuggler and an information broker.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Ubis Reendorr ascended to the leadership of the ryll smuggling operation within the Chirq Council, a group infamously known as the Red Circle Gang. These smugglers used small vessels to transport the spice to Corellia, where it was processed at a bunker located in the Vella plains. Among those who worked under Reendorr's command were Ladonna Poe, who acted as the contact point between the smuggling ring and Vuul Sarlin's network of spice dealers in Kor Vella, alongside Jaryn Minoze and Oret Sturm.

At one juncture, Reendorr was approached by an agent of the Rebel Alliance seeking to identify an Imperial officer from a holographic image. Sensing an opportunity to settle some personal matters, Reendorr requested the return of a shipment of B1-series battle droids that had been stolen from him by Shalera the Hutt as compensation. Despite his doubts about the Rebel's capabilities, the agent successfully retrieved the shipment. However, the agent discovered from the shipment's manifests that it had never been stolen, and Reendorr was, in fact, the original thief. Reendorr disregarded this detail and upheld his end of the agreement, providing the Rebel with the identity of the Imperial: Grand Admiral Andal Sait of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Blackguard. The Rebel needed a fragment of the Codex of Tython held by Sait, but lacked a plan to board the Star Destroyer. Reendorr offered his assistance, smuggling the Rebel aboard inside a cargo container filled with bacta for a fee. He also arranged for the agent to be contacted by Chief Engineer Olum, a previous associate of Reendorr's.

In 1 ABY, the Corellian Security Force initiated an investigation into the ryll smuggling ring due to increased spice activity in Kor Vella. A spacer working for Lieutenant Cope questioned Menchi Lerann, a spice addict, who revealed that he obtained his ryll from Vuul Sarlin. Sarlin was subsequently interrogated and forced to disclose everything about the smuggling ring, including the location of the Ryll Smuggler Bunker. Lieutenant Lon Cope, who had been trying to dismantle the organization, used his inside contact to orchestrate a meeting between Reendorr and a Rebel operative searching for a missing ryll shipment. The meeting took place in a small cantina in Kor Vella, but when the operative inquired about the shipment, Reendorr signaled the Red Circle members to prepare to interrogate the Rebel. However, the Rebel defeated the thugs, seized the access card to the Red Circle bunker from Reendorr, and left. CorSec forces then raided the Ryll Smuggler Bunker. A spacer working for Lieutenant Cope engaged and killed underboss Ubis Reendorr. Using Reendorr's access code, the CorSec gained access to the nearby Red Circle Base. Ultimately, the CorSec investigation led to the dissolution of the Chirq Council.
Ubis Reendorr was featured as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it shut down on December 15, 2011. Reendorr's character was introduced in the "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives" update, released on June 8, 2006.