
Taarna was a CorSec agent of the male gender, and a Human who resided on Talus during the time of the Galactic Civil War.


Prior to the Galactic Civil War, Taarna, an agent of the Corellian Security Force, enjoyed a notable career. During his time with CorSec, he provided training to Dathnaeya Loessin, who would later become recognized as one of CorSec's most promising officers. By the time the Battle of Yavin occurred, Taarna was still actively serving, stationed in the city of Nashal on the planet Talus.

In the year 1 ABY, Agent Taarna made a discovery: a group of local smugglers had taken several Selonians from the Neetha Den captive, holding them hostage to exploit the rest of the den. However, he found himself unable to intervene directly, as CorSec policy prohibited interference in Selonian affairs. As a result, Agent Taarna enlisted the help of an independent spacer who had previously collaborated with Captain Baize, seeking to aid the Selonians without involving CorSec. The spacer's efforts proved successful, effectively crippling the smugglers and disrupting their exploitation of the Selonians.

Dathnaeya Loessin.

Concurrently, the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic was escalating. Dathnaeya Loessin, Agent Taarna's former trainee, found herself in a personal crisis, feeling compelled to take a more active role in the conflict. However, she struggled to decide which side to support. She confided in Taarna, but he was unable to offer assistance without compromising his position within CorSec. Following the resolution of the Selonian-smuggler situation, Agent Taarna came to the conclusion that the spacer who had provided such valuable assistance would be the best person to help Dathnaeya. Consequently, he arranged a meeting in Dearic between the spacer and Dathnaeya. Dathnaeya subsequently tasked the spacer with working alongside Captain Quellium and Colonel Ekirk, representing the Rebel and Imperial forces, respectively. After completing several missions for both officers, the spacer presented a comprehensive report to Dathnaeya Loessin, which ultimately led her to choose a side in the Galactic Civil War. Her only regret was that her decision would mean she could no longer collaborate with Taarna.

CorSec spacers discovering a giant arachne in the GeneTech Syndicate Lab.

Later that same year, Agent Taarna took charge of the investigation into a starship crash in the mountains near Nashal. Taarna dispatched a spacer to the crash site to investigate and rescue any survivors. However, the spacer quickly discovered that the area was overrun by unusually large and aggressive arachnes. Further investigation revealed that the ship had been transporting bioengineered arachnes. The spacer also learned that most of the crew members and scientists had survived the crash initially, but were subsequently attacked and overwhelmed by the creatures. Upon visiting the survivors' camp, the spacer found only corpses and a damaged droid. CV-4T recounted the horrific events that had transpired and helped the spacer locate the remaining survivors. However, the spacer ultimately discovered that the other group, including Captain Narl, had already been slaughtered by the arachnes. Agent Taarna later determined that the crashed ship had originated from Dearic, and a CorSec scout team located a laboratory near Dearic that was undergoing an emergency evacuation. The lab, owned by the GeneTech Syndicate, was officially registered as conducting legitimate genetic manipulation on animals. Nevertheless, Taarna remained suspicious and sent spacers to investigate the laboratory. Upon arrival, the spacers quickly realized that the building was infested with bioengineered arachnes and that most of the staff had been killed by the creatures. The spacers downloaded data revealing that the project was codenamed Parasophic Arachne. Taarna subsequently ordered his CorSec team to clear the lab. With the assistance of 6-POC, the project manager's protocol droid, the spacers successfully deleted all scientific data that could be used to restart the program. They also retrieved a self-destruct intron virus, specifically designed to kill the arachnes, and injected it into every arachne eggs they found in the lab. Agent Taarna eventually tasked the spacer with eliminating the arachne queen, a gigantic arachne responsible for breeding the parasophic arachnes. The destruction of all the breeding arachnes and eggs effectively eliminated the Parasophic Arachne threat. Following the planet Talus's salvation from the bioengineered arachnes, CorSec targeted the escaped Genetech Syndicate scientists and filed a complaint with the Imperial Research Division against the GeneTech Syndicate for conducting class 5 biological experiments on an inhabited world. However, Agent Taarna held little hope for the success of this investigation.

Taarna later dispatched the spacers who had assisted him to work with his longtime friend Jornel Savas, a CorSec agent stationed on Corellia.

Behind the scenes

Taarna was featured as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts, prior to it being shut down on December 15, 2011. Taarna was incorporated into the game through the update titled "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives," which was released on June 8, 2006.

