GeneTech Syndicate Lab

The GeneTech Syndicate Lab, situated on Talus, was a facility under the control of the GeneTech Syndicate. It functioned during the Galactic Civil War era, a period in time.


Just outside the city limits of Dearic on Talus, one could find the GeneTech Syndicate Lab. While on the surface, the lab appeared to be involved in legitimate genetic modification of animals, the Syndicate secretly utilized the facility for illicit experimentation. Although a structure is visible from ground level, the majority of the lab's operations took place in subterranean levels.


Leading up to the Battle of Yavin, the GeneTech Syndicate was covertly engaged in a highly dangerous and unlawful bioengineering endeavor within the GeneTech Syndicate Lab. This project, known as Parasophic Arachne, aimed to engineer a highly intelligent and lethal breed of arachnes for deployment by the Galactic Empire. Doctor Vigh, who held the position of chief scientist within the GeneTech Syndicate, oversaw the entire project.

The Arachne queen in the deepest level of the lab.

However, by 1 ABY, the arachnes had turned against their creators, resulting in a massacre of the majority of the lab's personnel. The GeneTech Syndicate initiated an emergency evacuation of the facility, and the surviving scientists quickly made their escape to evade arrest and prosecution for their illegal biological experiments. Jana T'bayr remained as the only scientist left in the lab. Initially, she had hoped to salvage the project, but she then dedicated herself to finding a way to prevent the parasophic arachnes from causing planetary destruction on Talus.

Spacers discovering the queen's mate.

The Corellian Security Force eventually became aware of the situation and sent a CorSec team to secure the lab. Agent Taarna deployed spacers to eliminate all the creatures within the lab. With the help of 6-POC, the protocol droid serving as the project manager's assistant, the spacers successfully erased all scientific data that could be used to revive the project. They also recovered a self-destruct intron virus, which had been specifically designed by the GeneTech Syndicate scientists to eradicate the arachnes. The spacers used this virus on all arachne eggs they could locate within the lab. Agent Taarna then directed the spacers to eliminate the arachne queen, the primary breeder of the parasophic arachnes. The spacers discovered the queen, a massive arachne, in the deepest section of the lab and ultimately killed her. Taarna believed that the new arachne species was doomed following the queen's demise. However, Jana T'bayr revealed that another arachne, the queen's mate, still presented a threat. The queen's mate was significantly larger and stronger than the other arachnes, specifically engineered for combat. Furthermore, if he was the only arachne left, he had the ability to transform into a breeder and repopulate the species on his own. A team of spacers located the queen's mate in another area of the lab and, after a fierce battle, managed to kill the terrifying creature. The destruction of all the breeding arachnes and their eggs effectively eliminated the Parasophic Arachne threat.

Behind the scenes

The GeneTech Syndicate Lab appeared as a location in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online role-playing game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before its servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. The GeneTech Syndicate Lab was integrated into the game as part of the "Deifying Decisions" story arc, specifically with the launch of "Chapter 2: The Talus Incident," on August 1, 2006.

