Vigh, a male scientist originating from Talus, held the title of "Doctor" and lived during the era of the Galactic Civil War.

Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, Doctor Vigh served as the chief scientist for the GeneTech Syndicate, a biotechnology firm with its base of operations located on Talus within the Corellian system. At that point in time, Vigh spearheaded the Parasophic Arachne program, a clandestine and perilous bioengineering endeavor. The program's goal was the creation of an intelligent and formidable variant of arachnes for the benefit of the Galactic Empire. In the year 1 ABY, the project achieved success, leading Dr. Vigh to issue orders for the transportation of several specimens to the Imperial research facility situated on Nubia. However, events took a turn for the worse rapidly. Shortly after its departure, the transport vehicle carrying the organisms suffered a crash in the mountains close to Nashal, resulting in the escape of the arachnes into the surrounding wilderness. Furthermore, the arachnes within the GeneTech Syndicate laboratory broke free from their confinement, overpowering and killing their creators. The Corellian Security Force eventually uncovered the horrific situation at the lab. While most of the personnel had been killed by the creatures, some scientists survived, fleeing and going into hiding to evade arrest by CorSec and subsequent charges for conducting unlawful biological experiments.