
Arachnes, spider-like creatures, were indigenous to the Endorian landscape, as they were arachnids from Endor.

Biology and appearance

Their sharp fangs produced a potent venom, though it wasn't deadly. Notably, some Arachne species were characterized by having a total of ten legs.


Spacers discovering the queen's mate.

A specific type of arachne, the bone gnasher, was also known to reside within the Krayt Cult Cave located on Tatooine. This was due to their importation from Endor to Tatooine by the Krayt Cultists.

During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the GeneTech Syndicate engaged in an illicit bioengineering endeavor on Talus, which they called the Parasophic Arachne project. The goal was to engineer a more intelligent and formidable arachne. While the experiment achieved its intended outcome, the resulting bioengineered arachnes turned against their creators, leading to the demise of the majority of the GeneTech Syndicate Lab personnel. The Corellian Security Force eventually uncovered this situation, and a group of spacers employed by Agent Taarna subsequently eliminated the arachnes.

Behind the scenes

Within the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, the majority of the massive Arachne spiders are categorized as Angler creatures. However, the Angler designation can be quite misleading, as creatures like the bone gnashers are classified as Anglers, despite their presence on Tatooine, where the act of fishing for prey is essentially impossible.

