The group known as the Krayt Cult, though more formally called the Cult of the Krayt, was a religious organization present on Tatooine that practiced the worship of krayt dragons.

Following the Battle of Yavin which occurred in 0 BBY, the adherents of the cult established their residence within a cave located in the desert region close to Mos Eisley. Within the deepest part of their cave, they venerated a massive skull that belonged to a krayt dragon. The cult had a hierarchy of titles and ranks, which included novices, acolytes, ministrants, monks, and zealots.
During 1 ABY, Tori Radeen requested that a spacer in the employ of Jabba the Hutt enter the cave to retrieve the poison glands from the bone gnashers that dwelled there, with the intention of creating a novel poison. Concurrently, the Rodian named Oldksam sought refuge inside the cave, believing that the crime lord Faeto intended to have him killed. Simultaneously, Officer Ellis Arrison instructed a young cadet to engage the Krayt Cultists in combat within their cave, as part of the cadet's officer combat training.
The Krayt Cult made an appearance in Star Wars Galaxies, the 2003 massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was both developed by Sony Online Entertainment (Sony) and published by LucasArts, before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. The Krayt Cult was introduced to the game as a component of the "Legacy Quest" with the release of "Publish 25," also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005.
Within the unreleased quest named "Cult of the Krayt," Brannix Tzg'ada would have assigned a spacer the task of eliminating members of the Krayt cult within the Krayt Cult Cave. This quest would have expanded upon the backstory of the Krayt Cult, revealing information such as the potential practice of Krayt cultists feeding their offspring to Krayt Dragons.