
Bosshand Faeto was a criminal of the Bith species, identified as male, who operated on the desert planet of Tatooine during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Following the Battle of Yavin, Bosshand Faeto held a position as a relatively insignificant criminal ringleader within the city of Mos Eisley. He governed his organization and sought to broaden his illicit activities, aspiring to one day dominate Tatooine. However, he possessed the prudence to steer clear of any direct confrontation with Jabba the Hutt. Faeto could often be found at Lady Valarian's establishment, the Lucky Despot cantina.

In the year 1 ABY, an individual named Untas was in debt to Faeto. Despite the remarkably small sum of 100 credits owed, Faeto contracted a bounty hunter to eliminate Untas, aiming to safeguard his reputation. Boba Fett, another bounty hunter, caught wind of the death mark and suggested that an acquaintance of his accept the task. Bosshand Faeto and the bounty hunter convened at the Lucky Despot, where they finalized the terms of their agreement. Faeto advised the bounty hunter to initially seek information about Untas from a woman known as Taibela. Subsequent to Taibela, the bounty hunter encountered her fiancé Oldksam, and subsequently Untas' associate Sleash. Sleash, who was addicted to drugs, consented to reveal Untas' location at the White Thranta Shipping offices, ultimately leading to Untas' demise at the hands of the bounty hunter.

Behind the scenes

Faeto appeared as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game's servers were taken offline on December 15, 2011. Faeto was integrated into the game as part of the "Legacy Quest" during the release of "Publish 25," also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005.

