
title: Nashal

On the Twin World of Talus, which orbits Corellia, one could find cities such as Nashal, a prominent one of three.


Situated on the banks of the Mephyt River, in Talus' northeastern region, was the remarkably diverse city of Nashal. Selonian architects were its original founders, and it initially functioned as a meeting place for Talus' three indigenous species. As Humans, Drall, and Selonians developed better communication and collaboration, Nashal transformed into a hub for cultural interchange. Nashal's status as a diplomatic sanctuary was solidified with the construction of its starport. The Republic frequently chose Nashal as the site for peace talks between feuding systems, and the resulting influx of visitors from throughout the galaxy only served to enrich the city's diversity. However, Nashal's focus on high culture did not extend to every corner of the city. There were slums, industrial sectors, and military installations within its borders.

Another view of Nashal

After the Empire dissolved the Imperial Senate, Nashal's importance diminished. Nevertheless, its residents continued to value high culture and maintained a strong belief in peaceful coexistence among all sentient beings. Over time, Nashal transitioned from a center of diplomacy to a hub for culinary arts. Indeed, Nashal gained recognition for nurturing some of the most accomplished chefs in the Corellian system.

The Nashal River Race began in Nashal.


During the Galactic Civil War, Nashal, like other Corellian cities, hosted a small Imperial contingent. In 1 ABY, the Rebel Alliance successfully seized control of the city. Following this victory, a significant number of Rebel troops were stationed there to secure it.

Around this period, pirates captured several Selonians from the Neetha Den on Talus, holding them hostage to exploit the rest of the den. This event sparked anti-human feelings within the Selonian community of Talus, leading to anti-human demonstrations in Nashal. Despite the absence of reported violence against Humans, the local police force and Cluster World Relations temporarily advised against travel to Nashal.


In the period after the Battle of Yavin, the following people either lived in or visited the city: Igbi Freemo, Oecax, Durgur Pyne, Green Laser, Jusani Zhord, Sigrix Slix, Slooni Jong, Officer Pex, CorSec Agent Taarna, and Amyva Va'new.

Behind the scenes

Nashal was featured in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. Within the game, Nashal stood as one of only two permanent cities on Talus not constructed by players. However, a third settlement, an Imperial Outpost, was owned by the game itself.

