Durgur Pyne

Captain Durgur Pyne was a Zabrak male who served as a member of the Corellian Security Force. During the Galactic Civil War era, he held the position of security chief in the city of Nashal, which was located on the Twin World of Talus.


After 0 BBY, Pyne and his unit encountered difficulties with a pirate group and local sleemo thugs. Lacking sufficient manpower, he enlisted the assistance of a helpful spacer. Initially, Pyne tasked the spacer with the mission of rescuing one of his top agents, who had been abducted by the sleemos. The spacer successfully completed the rescue, enabling the agent to provide Pyne with information regarding the whereabouts of the pirate leader, a well-known and dangerous criminal.

He received assistance from the spacer to locate and apprehend a pirate lieutenant responsible for murder. The spacer also liberated a CorSec agent who had been kidnapped by Sleemo thugs, and eliminated the leader of a pirate organization, in exchange for which Pyne compensated him with a suitable sum of credits.

Behind the scenes

Durgur Pyne appeared as a non-player character within the video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided from 2003, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment, published by LucasArts, and eventually shut down on December 15, 2011.

