
The Sleemo Gang, sometimes referred to as just the Sleemos, constituted a band of disreputable criminals and pirates who inhabited the fringes of various cities located on Talus throughout the Galactic Civil War era.

During 1 ABY, the Sleemos abducted a CorSec operative who was under the command of Captain Durgur Pyne. Pyne realized that the gang possessed extensive knowledge of his personnel and would execute the captive agent upon spotting any of them approaching. Consequently, he opted to enlist the assistance of a spacer who had recently aided him in apprehending a pirate, tasking them with rescuing his agent. The spacer launched an assault on the Sleemos, successfully liberating the CorSec agent.

Regardless of whether it was deliberate, the name of their organization translated to "slimeballs" in the Huttese language.

