The Mephyt River, which was also known as the Krisa River, was a river that existed on the planet of Talus. Situated along the banks of this river was the city of Nashal.
The Mephyt River, running through Nashal
Specific areas of significance along the river included the Narrows, the Virrago Bend, Garva's Turn, the Quid Embankment, and the Fed-Dub Stretch. This body of water converged with other rivers at Xahn's Crossing and also at the Deep Run confluences. The Nashal River Race utilized the Krisa River as its racing course.
The Mephyt River made its initial appearance in the 2003 Star Wars Galaxies video game, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. This game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and brought to the public by LucasArts, prior to its shutdown on December 15, 2011. The river's name was disclosed within the description of the city of Nashal, visible to players on the screen used for selecting a starting location for their character. These descriptive texts were removed when Mos Eisley became the universal starting city with the release of "Publish 17" on May 26, 2005. However, the river within Nashal was referred to as the Krisa River during the Nashal River Race within the same game.