The Talusian Smugglers were a group of individuals involved in smuggling activities. Their operations occurred on the planet Talus during the period known as the Galactic Civil War.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Talusian Smugglers were active on Talus, which is located within the Corellian system. Their base was situated in close proximity to the city named Nashal.

Following the Battle of Yavin, the smugglers shifted their focus to piracy activities. They established a secret agreement with a disloyal member of the Neetha Den, a group of Selonians residing in a cave near the smuggler base. This traitor proposed the Askura deal, falsely presenting it to the den mother, Kiisa Kimotte, and the other Selonians as a cooperative partnership with the smugglers. However, the deal was a deception, and the Selonians were soon subjected to exploitation by the smugglers. The smugglers seized several Selonians, holding them as hostages to coerce the remaining members of the den into performing mining labor for them. The captured Selonians were, in fact, transported to Ord Mantell and sold into slavery. Some of the smugglers disagreed with this course of action, believing that they could achieve significant profits without resorting to the exploitation of the Selonians. This situation led to the rise of anti-human sentiments among the Selonian population of Talus, and hostile anti-human demonstrations broke out in the city of Nashal. Although no acts of violence against Humans were reported, the local police force and the Cluster World Relations agency issued a travel warning for Nashal. Marx Grocco, Director of Cluster World Relations, via the Corellia News Service, explained that the preventive measure was designed to ensure the safety of Talusian human citizens and human travelers from any potentially hostile interactions with non-human protestors.
In 1 ABY, the Corellian Security Force was aware of the situation, but the smugglers exploited the fact that CorSec lacked jurisdiction over Selonian affairs. However, Agent Taarna then enlisted an independent spacer to assist the Selonians without involving CorSec directly. The spacer subsequently collaborated with Tika Sileste, Ravi Thienta, Lika Fimente and Kiki Dorente, the advisor to the Neetha den mother, to formulate a strategy against the smugglers. The spacer then launched an assault on the base, killing many smugglers, including their leader. The spacer also destroyed the smugglers' droids and weapon caches, and recovered stolen Selonian supplies of food, hides, and electronic parts. Although the spacer ultimately discovered that the captive Selonians had already been sold as slaves, the attack significantly weakened the smugglers and severely limited their ability to exploit the Selonians.
The Talusian Smugglers made their appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, which was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. This game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its shutdown on December 15, 2011. The Talusian Smugglers were introduced to the game through an update called "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives," which was released on June 8, 2006.