A female Selonian named Kiki Dorente resided on the planet Talus during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
Belonging to the Neetha Den on Talus, Kiki Dorente was a Selonian sept who lived in a cave close to Nashal. The Neetha Den was her Selonian den. Following the Battle of Yavin, she held the position of advisor to the Neetha den mother.

After the events of the Battle of Yavin, certain members of the den were captured by the Talusian Smugglers. They were held as hostages in an effort to exploit the remaining members of the den. In 1 ABY, the Corellian Security Force was aware of this situation. However, they were unable to get involved in Selonian affairs. Therefore, Agent Taarna hired an independent spacer to assist the Selonians, keeping the CorSec out of it. Meeting Kiki Dorente in her cave, the spacer was offered and accepted. She first gave the spacer the task of scouting out the Smuggler Base, where her denmates were supposedly being held. After the spacer came back to the Selonian cave with the requested details, Kiki and other Selonian mates came up with a plan to counteract the smuggler. Tika Sileste tasked the spacer with getting rid of the smuggler guards and destroying the droids at the base. Ravi Thienta requested the spacer to recover the stolen Selonian supplies and destroy the smugglers' stash of weapons. Lika Fimente gave the spacer the job of locating the captive Selonians at the base. Kiki Dorente also sent the spacer back to the smuggler base to gather intelligence on where the cargo shuttles leaving the base were headed. While the spacer completed most of the objectives, the assault only achieved partial success. The spacer was able to defeat the majority of the smugglers, including their leader, and greatly reduce their ability to exploit the Selonians. However, the spacer discovered that the captive Selonians had already been transported to Ord Mantell and sold into slavery. As the situation with the smugglers was coming to an end, Kiki eventually introduced the spacer to the den mother, who expressed her gratitude for the spacer's substantial assistance.

Kiki Dorente was featured as a non-player character within the Star Wars Galaxies video game. This was a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that Sony developed and LucasArts published. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. The game was updated to include Kiki Dorente in "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives," released on June 8, 2006.