Neetha Den

The Neetha Den, a Selonian community, existed on the planet of Talus during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


The Neetha Den's cave.

This Selonian den resided on Talus, situated within the Corellian system. These Selonians made their home in a cave in close proximity to the city known as Nashal. Kiisa Kimotte, the den mother, was the leader of the den. Its members included Kiki Dorente, who served as an advisor to the den mother, alongside Tika Sileste, Ravi Thienta, and Lika Fimente, all part of the same sept.


Following the Battle of Yavin, a member of the den proposed a deal referred to as the Askura deal, which involved a partnership with a local group of Talusian smugglers. However, it turned out that this deal was a ruse, and the Selonians soon found themselves exploited by these smugglers. A number of Selonians from the den were taken captive by the smugglers, held as hostages in order to coerce the remaining members of the den into working in their mines. This situation ignited anti-human feelings among the Selonian population on Talus, leading to demonstrations against humans in the city of Nashal. Although no violent acts against humans were reported, both the local police force and the Cluster World Relations agency issued a warning against travel to Nashal. Marx Grocco, the Director of Cluster World Relations, explained via the Corellia News Service that this precautionary measure was intended to ensure the safety of human citizens of Talus and human travelers from potential hostile encounters with non-human protestors.

The Smuggler Base.

In 1 ABY, the Corellian Security Force became aware of the situation, but they couldn't directly intervene because the Selonians were against Corellians getting involved in their affairs. Therefore, Agent Taarna enlisted the help of an independent spacer to assist the Selonians without involving CorSec. The spacer met Kiki Dorente, the den mother's advisor, within the den's cave, and the Selonian accepted the offered assistance. Dorente initially tasked the spacer with scouting the Smuggler Base, where it was believed her den members were being held. After the spacer successfully returned with the requested information, Kiki and other Selonian members devised a plan to counter the smugglers. Tika Sileste requested that the spacer eliminate the smuggler guards and destroy the base's droids. Ravi Thienta asked the spacer to retrieve stolen Selonian supplies and destroy the smugglers' weapons cache. Lika Fimente tasked the spacer with locating the captive Selonians within the base. Furthermore, Kiki Dorente sent the spacer back to the smuggler base to gather intelligence on the destination of the cargo shuttles departing from the base. Despite the spacer accomplishing most of the objectives, the assault only achieved partial success. The spacer defeated the majority of the smugglers, including their leader, and severely hampered their ability to exploit the Selonians. However, the spacer discovered that the captive Selonians had already been transported to Ord Mantell and sold into slavery. The spacer also uncovered that a traitor within the Selonian den had intentionally aided the smugglers. As the situation with the smugglers came to a close, the spacer was ultimately granted the title of den mate by the den mother.

Behind the scenes

The Neetha Den made an appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. The Neetha Den was incorporated into the game through an update titled "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives," which was released on June 8, 2006.

