Vayde Quellium

Vayde Quellium, a Bothan male, was a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic stationed on Talus during the period of the Galactic Civil War.


During the Galactic Civil War, Vayde Quellium functioned as an officer within the Rebel Alliance, which was in opposition to the Galactic Empire. Subsequent to the Battle of Yavin, this young Bothan had risen to the rank of captain and found himself stationed in the Talusian city of Dearic. His office was situated within the Wideband Temp Agency building, which served as a front for Rebel recruitment activities.

Following the Battle of Yavin, Captain Quellium collaborated with Trezya Nenei, a representative from the Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization, an anti-Imperial group operating on Talus. Around 1 ABY, the A.C.L.O. sought formal integration into the Rebel Alliance. Simultaneously, both the A.C.L.O. and the Rebels were engaged in conflict with the Nightstrike Soldier Hegemony, a mercenary group from Talus aligned with the Empire. At one point, N.S.H. forces forcibly closed an A.C.L.O. clinic and took Syirlabradawk, a Wookiee medical officer, into custody. Furthermore, they seized a shipment of medical provisions intended for the Alliance forces present on Talus. Consequently, Captain Quellium and Trezya Nenei dispatched a spacer to conduct a raid on the N.S.H. base. This spacer had been recommended by CorSec officer Dathnaeya Loessin, who aimed to evaluate the character of those collaborating with both the Rebellion and the Empire. The spacer executed an assault on the N.S.H. base, successfully recovering the medical supplies and liberating the medical officer, while eliminating numerous N.S.H. enforcers. Vayde Quellium expressed profound gratitude and attempted to enlist the spacer into the Rebellion.

Behind the scenes

Vayde Quellium made an appearance as a non-playable character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online role-playing game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, prior to its shutdown on December 15, 2011. The character of Vayde Quellium was integrated into the game as a component of the "Crisis of Allegiance" storyline, specifically with the release of "Chapter 2: The Talus Incident," on August 1, 2006.

