Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization

The Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization, often shortened to A.C.L.O., functioned as a pro-Rebel Alliance provider of medical resources. This group operated on the planet Talus during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


An A.C.L.O. commando.

Based out of an office situated on the double world of Talus, located within the Corellian system, the Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization presented itself as a peaceful political entity and a supplier of medical goods. However, throughout the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, the A.C.L.O. maintained ties to the Rebellion, leading the Galactic Empire to view them as enemies. Beyond their medical endeavors, the A.C.L.O. also possessed its own paramilitary forces, including slicers and saboteurs.


Following the Battle of Yavin, the Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization expressed its desire to formally integrate with the Rebel Alliance. In the year 1 ABY, Trezya Nenei, representing the A.C.L.O., engaged in discussions with Rebel Captain Vayde Quellium in Dearic, with the aim of negotiating the A.C.L.O.'s incorporation into the Rebel Alliance.

A.C.L.O. staff in the A.C.L.O. office.

Concurrently, the Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization found itself in conflict with the Nightstrike Soldier Hegemony, a mercenary group from Talus that sided with the Empire. Much like the A.C.L.O., the N.S.H. was also in the process of negotiating its integration into the Imperial Military. However, these negotiations were disrupted when A.C.L.O. slicers introduced fabricated information that nearly destroyed the reputation of Galiir Ac Yandar, the N.S.H. commander. Colonel Ekirk of the Empire then deployed a spacer to conduct a raid on the A.C.L.O. office. During this raid, the Imperial spacer eliminated Leeta Poandeu, the slicer responsible for compromising Yandar's system, and provided assistance to Mark Hieks, an N.S.H. covert operative who had infiltrated the A.C.L.O. office. The spacer also killed A.C.L.O. terrorists who were sabotaging Imperial shipments.

In a parallel series of events, N.S.H. forces shut down an A.C.L.O. medical clinic and took Syirlabradawk, a Wookiee medical officer, into custody. They also seized a shipment of medical supplies intended for Rebel forces stationed on Talus. As a result, Captain Quellium and Trezya Nenei dispatched a spacer to the N.S.H. base. This spacer was recommended by CorSec officer Dathnaeya Loessin, who sought to assess the caliber of individuals the Rebellion chose to collaborate with. The spacer launched an assault on the N.S.H. base, successfully recovering the medical shipment and rescuing the medical officer, while eliminating numerous N.S.H. enforcers in the process. The high number of N.S.H. mercenary deaths later enabled the A.C.L.O. to easily ambush an N.S.H. enforcer unit and steal their shipment of Imperial medical computers.

Behind the scenes

The Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization made its debut in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. The A.C.L.O.'s inclusion in the game was part of the "Crisis of Allegiance" storyline, introduced with the release of "Chapter 2: The Talus Incident," on August 1, 2006.

