The A.C.L.O. headquarters functioned as an office complex on the planet Talus. It was utilized by the Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization during the era of the Galactic Civil War.

The A.C.L.O. headquarters was situated on Talus, one of the Twin Worlds, within the Corellian system. Specifically, it was built in the Akazi Plains, positioned just to the east of the major metropolis of Dearic. This structure served as the central base of operations for the Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization, a political group and distributor of medical supplies that was associated with the Rebel Alliance during their fight against the Galactic Empire in the Galactic Civil War. The property included a shuttleport which was constructed close to the main building. The A.C.L.O. headquarters was staffed by various personnel, including several skilled computer experts. A.C.L.O. troops provided security for the A.C.L.O. complex and the surrounding area.
Following the Battle of Yavin, the Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization found itself in opposition to the Nightstrike Soldier Hegemony, a Talusian private military company aligned with the Empire. The N.S.H. successfully planted a mole, Mark Hieks, within the A.C.L.O. headquarters at some point.

In 1 ABY, the N.S.H. was in the process of negotiating its incorporation into the Imperial Military. However, these negotiations were disrupted when A.C.L.O. computer experts inserted information that nearly destroyed the reputation of the N.S.H. commander, Galiir Ac Yandar. As a response, Imperial commanding officer Ekirk sent a mercenary to infiltrate the A.C.L.O. headquarters. Dathnaeya Loessin, an officer from CorSec, recommended the spacer to determine the character of those associated with the Rebellion. The mercenary launched an assault on the building, eliminating A.C.L.O. terrorists who had been sabotaging Imperial shipments. The Imperial agent also investigated the A.C.L.O. computer experts, eventually identifying Leeta Poandeu as the one responsible for infiltrating Yandar's system. The spacer then eliminated the woman in the building's central computer control room. Simultaneously, Mark Hieks, the N.S.H. spy, attempted to install sliceware monitoring components on several A.C.L.O. computers but he was almost discovered and had to inflict an injury on himself to divert attention from his actions. The spacer placed monitoring devices on the A.C.L.O's medical computer, personal computer, operations computer, and equipment manifest computer, thereby fulfilling Hieks' mission.
The A.C.L.O. headquarters was featured as a location in the 2003 computer game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. The A.C.L.O. headquarters was incorporated into the game as part of the "Crisis of Allegiance" story arc with the release of "Chapter 2: The Talus Incident," on August 1, 2006.