Braedic Ekirk

Braedic Ekirk was a male Human officer of the Imperial forces who served the Empire during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


During the Galactic Civil War, which pitted the Alliance to Restore the Republic against the Galactic Empire, Braedic Ekirk functioned as an Imperial officer. Following the Battle of Yavin, he had risen to the rank of colonel and found himself stationed in the city of Dearic, located on the planet Talus.

Colonel Ekirk idle in his office

In the year 1 ABY, Colonel Ekirk received a visit from Galiir Ac Yandar, who commanded the Nightstrike Soldier Hegemony (N.S.H.). This Talusian mercenary group maintained ties with the Empire. Ac Yandar's objective was to transform his unit into a fully integrated military branch of the Imperial armed forces, rather than it remaining a separate entity. Galiir Ac Yandar engaged with Ekirk in talks to determine the Nightstrike Soldier Hegemony's updated operational status. Despite Ekirk's deep-seated dislike for Galiir, he recognized the potential value of the N.S.H. as an asset to the Empire. However, the negotiations were disrupted when slicers from the Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization (A.C.L.O.), an anti-Imperial organization, disseminated information that nearly destroyed Yandar's standing with the Empire. As a result, Colonel Ekirk sent a spacer to conduct a raid on the A.C.L.O. office. This spacer was recommended by CorSec officer Dathnaeya Loessin, who sought to assess the caliber of individuals chosen by both the Rebellion and the Empire. Galiir Ac Yandar instructed the spacer to eliminate Leeta Poandeu, the slicer responsible for infiltrating his system, and then to establish contact with and provide assistance to Mark Hieks, an N.S.H. spy within the A.C.L.O. office. Ekirk also assigned the spacer the task of eliminating A.C.L.O. terrorists who were sabotaging Imperial shipments. The spacer diligently served Ekirk, successfully completing all assigned tasks, and was ultimately rewarded for their contributions.

Later that same year, Darth Vader, acting through an Imperial Admiral, placed Colonel Ekirk in charge of a project involving the demolition of abandoned buildings across the Empire. This initiative aimed to prevent the Rebellion from utilizing these structures as safe houses. Ekirk enlisted the services of Galactic Vacant Building Demolitions to carry out the demolition of buildings from orbit, employing planetary bombardment techniques. He also conceived the Galactic Vacant Building Demolishing Movement, an organization tasked with providing the Empire with intelligence regarding the locations of abandoned buildings. However, the project was deemed a failure one year later.

Behind the scenes

Colonel Braedic Ekirk made an appearance as a non-player character in the video game Star Wars Galaxies (2003), a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. Braedic Ekirk was introduced to the game as a component of the "Crisis of Allegiance" storyline with the release of "Chapter 2: The Talus Incident," on August 1, 2006. Subsequently, Ekirk was featured in Move It or Lose It, a brief in-universe introduction to the 2007 House Pack-Up event within Star Wars Galaxies.

