During the Galactic Civil War, a Twi'lek female named Trezya Nenei resided on Talus. She was affiliated with the Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization during this time.
As a member of the Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization, Trezya Nenei supported the pro-Rebel cause during the Galactic Civil War, a conflict between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. After the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, she worked as a liaison with Captain Vayde Quellium of the Rebel Alliance, conducting business in his office located in the city of Dearic on Talus.
In 1 ABY, the Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization aimed to formally join the Rebel Alliance. Simultaneously, both the A.C.L.O. and the Rebels faced opposition from the Nightstrike Soldier Hegemony, a mercenary group from Talus aligned with the Empire. At one juncture, N.S.H. forces forcibly closed an A.C.L.O. clinic and took Syirlabradawk, a Wookiee medical officer and friend of Trezya's, prisoner. Furthermore, they seized a shipment containing crucial medical supplies. Consequently, Captain Quellium and Trezya Nenei dispatched a spacer to conduct a raid on the N.S.H. base. This spacer came recommended by CorSec officer Dathnaeya Loessin, who was interested in assessing the character of those aligned with both the Rebellion and the Empire. The spacer successfully attacked the N.S.H. base, ultimately recovering the medical shipment and liberating the medical officer, while eliminating numerous N.S.H. enforcers in the process. Trezya Nenei expressed immense gratitude to the spacer for the rescue of her Wookiee companion.
Trezya Nenei appeared as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. The game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. Trezya Nenei's character was incorporated into the game through the "Crisis of Allegiance" storyline, specifically with the release of "Chapter 2: The Talus Incident," on August 1, 2006.