The territory called Agrilat Region, alternatively referred to as the Agrilat Swamp, the Crystal Swamps, or just Agrilat, existed on the northern continent of the planet Corellia. Located in the area between the northern sea and the Orik's Spine mountain range, the area was primarily made up of swamps abundant with crystalline plant life, including razor grass. It was a popular location for illicit swoop races, for instance, the Agrilat Swamp Circuit. The Dragonbane circuit was also situated within this locale.
These swamps were the setting for a well-known race involving Dengar, a celebrated figure in the professional racing world, and a younger competitor named Han Solo, who came from the independent circuit. Annoyed by the constant comparisons to Solo, Dengar challenged his rival to a high-stakes race through the perilous swamps, where the winner would take all. During the competition, Solo's stabilizer fin became caught on Dengar's vehicle, leading Dengar to spin out of control and crash.
Sometime before 29 BBY, Agrilat was also known for its production of drugs that loosened the tongue.
During 1 ABY, wild creatures originating from the Agrilat Swamp ventured into more populated regions of Corellia and posed a threat to local farmers. Therefore, Lieutenant Moss Shelby from CorSec's Regiment Twelve employed a team of spacers to hunt down these animals.

There exists some uncertainty regarding whether Agrilat is a region within Corellia or a separate planet altogether. The PC game Star Wars: Rebellion and its accompanying strategy guide, Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, present Agrilat as a planet located in the Moddell sector of the Outer Rim. Conversely, Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary identifies it as a planet within the Corellian sector. Star Wars Gamer 6 depicts it as a city situated on Corellia, whereas Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back simply describes it as a swamp within the Corellian system. Star Wars Galaxies specifies that Agrilat is a swamp located directly on Corellia. The Essential Atlas includes a single mention of the crystal swamps, drawing a comparison between them and other natural wonders found on Corellia.