Five World Prime Minister

The office of Five World Prime Minister, alternatively known as Prime Minister of the Five Worlds, was established within the Corellian system. This position superseded the governor-general role, which the New Republic had previously created but the Galactic Alliance eliminated a few years following the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong War.


The responsibilities associated with this office encompassed representing the Corellian system during negotiations with external parties. It also involved facilitating the coordination of financial matters, resources, and policies among the Five Brothers, each of which possessed its own Head of State appointed independently of the Prime Minister.

The relationship between the Prime Minister and the subordinate Ministers remains unclear. Thrackan Sal-Solo, who served as the Head of State of Corellia, apparently managed to remove and replace the Minister of War without securing the incumbent Prime Minister's consent. Furthermore, the Prime Minister's role was characterized as leading a "coalition" of politicians, each vying for the position.

The Prime Minister was addressed with the honorifics "Your Excellency" or "Minister"/"Madame Minister," and resided in the official Prime Minister's Residence.

Aidel Saxan held the distinction of being the inaugural Five Worlds Prime Minister, having occupied the office for at least a year before the onset of the Second Galactic Civil War. Following her assassination in 40 ABY, her former spouse, Denjax Teppler, was promptly instated as the interim Prime Minister.

Shortly after, Thrackan Sal-Solo seemingly replaced him. However, Sal-Solo soon proclaimed himself President of Five Worlds. Upon his assassination and subsequent replacement by Dur Gejjen, the title of Five World Prime Minister was reinstated.

Following Gejjen's passing, the position was superseded (at least temporarily) by a triumvirate.

Later, Sadras Koyan was elected as the Five Worlds Prime Minister. However, his assassination led to General Turr Phennir, the Supreme Commander of the Confederation military, assuming leadership of the Confederation around the time of the Unification Summit.

List of Prime Ministers

Behind the scenes

In Legacy of the Force: Betrayal, there were indications that Thrackan would endeavor to secure the Five World Prime Minister position by either assassinating or overthrowing Denjax Teppler. However, Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines makes no mention of either Teppler or the Prime Minister role, and he is still referred to as the "Head of State." He is also referred to as "President" and recognized as the leader of the entire Corellian government. This was presumably due to editing errors and the fact that Bloodlines was completed before Betrayal. These inconsistencies were rectified early in Legacy of the Force: Tempest, where it was stated that Thrackan had declared himself President of Five Worlds in addition to his role as Head of State of Corellia.

