Sadras Koyan, a male Human hailing from Tralus, held the position of Head of State for that planet. He was a broad-shouldered individual with receding hairline and was affiliated with the Centerpoint political party. During a conference involving Dur Gejjen, Wedge Antilles, and other representatives of Five Worlds, he revealed his authorization of the assassination plot against the Queen Mother, Tenel Ka Djo.
Subsequently, he secured the position of Five World Prime Minister through a majority vote from the other Heads of State, indicating a desire to defect to the Alliance. This defection attempt, however, turned out to be a ruse, as Centerpoint launched an assault on both fleets, obliterating all vessels except for the Anakin Solo and a handful of starfighters. After demonstrating Centerpoint's operational status, he demanded that General Turr Phennir provide the Corellian system with essential supplies, a request that was denied. During the Battle of Centerpoint Station, Koyan was informed by his Minister of Information, Denjax Teppler, that Galactic Alliance forces were personally targeting him, and that a shuttle was prepared for his escape at airlock Epsilon 34G. Attempting to flee Centerpoint to avoid capture, Koyan discovered not his expected shuttle, but a different one belonging to the Galactic Alliance, where he was fatally shot in the chest by its Chev pilot.