The Centerpoint Party emerged as a political group within the Corellian sector in the initial phases of the Yuuzhan Vong War. It was created through a union of New Republic archaeologists, who were forcibly displaced from Centerpoint Station, and independent Corellians. Their central argument was that, given the Corellian system's unique characteristic of housing five independent worlds, Corellia merited five votes in the New Republic Senate instead of just one. The archaeologists aimed to prevent Centerpoint Station's utilization as a weapon, while the Corellians sought to influence New Republic policy.
After the Battle of Fondor, Thrackan Sal-Solo gained leadership of the party, resulting in a rapid expansion of its membership and authority within the sector. He tried to establish a friendship pact with the Yuuzhan Vong, promising Corellian Sector's neutral independence in exchange for assistance in hunting Jedi. However, Supreme Overlord Shimrra instead compelled Sal-Solo to assume the presidency of the Peace Brigade. Upon discovering this, the party expelled him, revoked his citizenship, and banished him from the Sector.
Following the assassination of President Thrackan Sal-Solo, the Centerpoint Party played a consultative role within the coalition government established to govern Corellia.
During the Second Galactic Civil War, Sadras Koyan was among its members.