President of Five Worlds was a political office established by Thrackan Sal-Solo during his second period of influence in 40 ABY. For a short time, it represented the supreme governing role for the complete Corellian system.
Having previously been elected to the position of Head of State of Corellia, and also succeeding in becoming the Minister of War for the entire system, Thrackan somehow managed to remove Five World Prime Minister Denjax Teppler from his position. Following this, he proclaimed himself President of Five Worlds and held this position until his assassination at the hands of Boba Fett, Mirta Gev, and Han Solo.
Following Thrackan's demise, Dur Gejjen assumed his executive authority over both the planet Corellia and the entire Corellian system. He then eliminated the role of President of Five Worlds, returning to the former title of Five World Prime Minister.
In Legacy of the Force: Betrayal, there were hints that Thrackan would try to become Five World Prime Minister by assassinating or overthrowing Denjax Teppler. However, Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines makes no reference to Teppler or the Prime Minister position, and Thrackan is still identified as "Head of State." Yet, he is also called "President" and is mentioned as the leader of the entire Corellian government. It is believed that these discrepancies arose from editing errors and the fact that Bloodlines was completed before Betrayal. These inconsistencies were retconned early in Legacy of the Force: Tempest when it was revealed that Thrackan had declared himself President of Five Worlds in addition to being Head of State of Corellia.