A male Frozian, Micamberlecto was selected by the New Republic to succeed Diktat Daclif Gallamby as Governor-General for the Corellian sector. This appointment occurred when the sector became part of the New Republic in 12 ABY.
Froz was Micamberlecto's birthplace. He suffered from a profound depression. The Corellian sector's integration into the New Republic in 12 ABY, and the subsequent offer to govern it as Governor-General (replacing the pro-Imperial Diktat Daclif Gallamby), provided a slight respite from this condition. He accepted the position with enthusiasm, envisioning himself as a symbol of dignity and pride for the Frozian people. Consequently, he took up residence in Corona House, the official residence of Corellia's chief executive.
His depression intensified when he attempted to fill the governmental vacancies beneath him. A scarcity of New Republic loyalists compelled Micamberlecto to appoint numerous former Imperials to positions within his administration. Furthermore, the Corellian populace had elected many ex-Imperials to local offices, resulting in significant influence for pro-Imperial factions and severely limiting Micamberlecto's ability to govern autonomously. The oversight previously exerted by the Galactic Republic and its successor, the Galactic Empire, had vanished. As a result, many Corellians rejected external rule, including that of the New Republic and Micamberlecto. Thrackan Sal-Solo, the former deputy to Diktat Gallamby, established a human-supremacist organization known as the Human League. This group began plotting to overthrow Micamberlecto and seize control of the Corellian system.
The situation on Corellia began to worsen in 18 ABY. The Human League openly defied Micamberlecto, staging nightly torchlight parades around Corona House. During these demonstrations, they sang songs that were anti-Alien and anti-New Republic, instigated brawls, and vandalized nearby buildings. Micamberlecto's authority diminished to the point where he ceased contacting Corellia's military forces, the Corellian Defense Force and the Public Safety Service, due to uncertainty about their allegiance and fear that they might join the protests against him. Micamberlecto requested assistance from the New Republic. In response, it was determined that a trade summit would be convened on Corellia, with Chief of State Leia Organa Solo in attendance, to address the planet's problems. Three days before the scheduled trade summit, a probe droid, intercepted by the Corellian Defense Force, delivered a message to Micamberlecto. The message contained an image of a star explosion along with space-and-time coordinates. His scientific advisors informed him that the star depicted in the image could not have exploded naturally.
Following a dinner with Organa Solo and her family, Micamberlecto, accompanied by Organa Solo and her husband, Han, observed the Human League's latest demonstration from his study window. He explained the issues facing Corellia to them. The following day, Micamberlecto attended the trade summit, where he welcomed delegates alongside Organa Solo. Later that evening, he was summoned to Organa Solo's apartment in Corona House to listen to a Message cube that had been delivered and addressed to the Chief of State, her husband, and the Governor-General. The message cube contained a series of stellar coordinates that Micamberlecto immediately recognized as being related to the earlier message he had received.
The Human League initiated their insurrection the next day by activating a massive interdiction field that encompassed the entire Corellian system, preventing communication and controlling travel. In a Selonian neighborhood of Bela Vistal, a Human League member threw a punch, starting a chain reaction that led to widespread rioting across the planet between different species, and the Selonian Enclave was attacked. Ground-based units of the Corellian Defense Force remained loyal to Micamberlecto and attempted to quell the unrest, but space-based units sided with the Human League, helping to secure strategic locations like the CDF's navy yard. As fighting and blaster fire engulfed the streets of Corellia's capital, Coronet City, Micamberlecto and his staff worked in his Corona House office to gather information on the situation.
The Human League then launched an attack on Corona House, firing a rocket that damaged several floors. Micamberlecto, along with Organa Solo and Han, were trapped inside, while their family managed to escape on the Millennium Falcon shortly after the attack. That evening, Micamberlecto, his staff, and the two Solos gathered around a holoscreen to watch a message delivered by Sal-Solo himself. Sal-Solo declared Micamberlecto's government illegitimate, proclaimed himself the rightful ruler of Corellia, and claimed that the Human League possessed the ability to destroy stars, threatening to do so unless all non-humans were deported from the planet. Eventually, the Human League seized control of Corona House, and Organa Solo was captured and imprisoned in a bedroom being used as a makeshift cell. While League members looted the building, Micamberlecto was killed by Sal-Solo, along with many of his staff.