Public Safety Service

The Public Safety Service, often shortened to PSS, functioned as the primary law enforcement agency on Corellia after the CorSec's dissolution. This transition occurred during the tumultuous period of the Galactic Civil War.


In 7 ABY, the Corellian head of state, Diktat Daclif Gallamby, established the Public Safety Service. This new organization replaced the previously esteemed Corellian Security Force. Following the demise of the Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Empire, which had been a key supporter of Gallamby's regime, began to disintegrate. The Corellian government weakened without the direct protection of the Emperor. Consequently, Diktat Gallamby disbanded CorSec, deeming it excessively principled, and transferred the majority of its resources to the newly formed Public Safety Service, an organization more aligned with his political interests. This freshly established political police force was tasked with pursuing the Diktat's adversaries, in addition to its standard security duties. Unlike CorSec, which enjoyed a considerable degree of independence from the government, the Public Safety Service operated as an integral part of the Corellian Defense Force. PSS officers adopted uniforms that mirrored those of the Galactic Empire. However, the PSS was often perceived as being more preoccupied with trivial matters and surveillance than with genuine law enforcement. As Corran Horn famously remarked, "graffiti was obliterated before it had a chance to dry."

Years later, the Diktat's administration crumbled, and the Corellian sector fell under the control of the New Republic. The New Republic appointed a Governor-General to oversee Corellia and its surrounding territories. The Public Safety Service was subsequently reformed into a conventional law enforcement agency. However, given the prevalence of Imperial loyalists within the Corellian military and security apparatus, Governor-General Micamberlecto hesitated to entrust PSS agents with his personal security.

Eventually, the New Republic reinstated the Corellian Security Force. Despite this, the Public Safety Service was not immediately eliminated, resulting in a period of coexistence between CorSec and PSS during the Yuuzhan Vong War. In 25 ABY, amidst the Yuuzhan Vong War, the PSS was deployed on Drall to quell riots sparked by protests against the arrival of the Jedi Jacen and Anakin Solo.

Behind the scenes

The Public Safety Service made its debut appearance in the 1995 novel titled Ambush at Corellia. Within the book, it was referred to by both "Public Safety Service" and "Public Security Service." Subsequent novels and reference materials consistently used the designation Public Safety Service.

