Jenica Sonsen served as the chief administrator at Centerpoint Station not only during the First Corellian Insurrection, but also all the way through the Yuuzhan Vong War. Possessing a long, slender face, curly dark hair, and noticeable, expressive eyebrows, she was identified as a Human female.
During the Centerpoint Crisis, Sonsen played a critical part in leading Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Belindi Kalenda, as well as Gaeriel Captison. She developed a romantic interest in Lando and attempted to act upon those feelings; however, Lando declined her advances, citing a prior commitment to another individual.
Her tenure in that position extended until at least 25 ABY, at which point she oversaw the group endeavoring to create a map of the station's internal structure.