
Ebrihim was a middle-aged Drall of the male gender and the nephew of Duchess Marcha. In comparison to others of his species, he possessed a taller stature, and his deep gray fur exhibited lighter shades around his face and throat, indicating his advancing years.


Ebrihim possessed a straightforward and candid manner of speaking, occasionally bordering on tactless. While perceived as somber and grave by Human standards, his Drall counterparts considered Ebrihim to be adventurous and whimsical. He favored a lifestyle of scholarly pursuits and interstellar travel between planets. His intellectual curiosity encompassed diverse fields such as the sciences, history, mysticism, and literature, marking him as something of an amateur in many areas.

When the Solo family journeyed to Corellia for a New Republic trade conference, Ebrihim was employed to tutor the Solo children. Leia Organa Solo desired a tutor of non-Human origin to expose her children to an external perspective, and, as Ebrihim himself pointed out, he was of similar height to the children and unlikely to intimidate them unless he intentionally did so. Ebrihim also acted as a guide for the Solo family and Chewbacca, leading them on an archeological expedition.

As the First Corellian Insurrection began, Ebrihim was supervising the Solo children at Corona House when the building became a target of the Human League's operatives. Explosions shook the building, causing extensive damage to the lower levels. Han Solo managed to escape with NRI agent Belindi Kalenda, while Leia found herself trapped with Governor-General Micamberlecto. The children, located on the upper floors, were compelled to evacuate to the Millennium Falcon alongside Ebrihim and Chewbacca, leaving their parents behind. Following Ebrihim's suggestion, the Falcon sought refuge at his aunt's residence on Drall, where the children remained for their safety.


Ebrihim's dedication to scholarly pursuits and adventurous endeavors prevented him from settling down and starting a family, an uncommon choice for a Drall. His Aunt Marcha speculated that his fondness for the children he tutored served as a substitute for the children he would never have. Upon Marcha's appointment as governor-general of the Corellian sector, he took on the role of her assistant.

He was the owner of the peculiar droid Q9-X2, who had an obsession with making improvements and modifications to his own systems. Ebrihim made an effort to teach Q9 proper manners and etiquette, but the droid still had a tendency to interrupt conversations and make insensitive remarks.

Ebrihim held a somewhat pragmatic perspective on the Force, despite not being Force-sensitive. He acknowledged its existence and expressed a belief in it, but he did not concern himself with it excessively. He considered the Force to be inaccessible to him, which led him to view it as something not to be taken too seriously.

