The Almanian Uprising, alternatively referred to as the Almania Crisis, which transpired in 17 ABY, was a localized armed struggle orchestrated by Kueller, a Dark Jedi and erstwhile student of the Jedi Academy, in an endeavor to destabilize the New Republic and, consequently, the rejuvenated Jedi Order. This conflict was characterized by a series of bombing incidents targeting the New Republic, alongside a significant space engagement over Almania, whose participants were ironically labeled as the New Rebellion by the Galactic Empire.
Almania was a relatively obscure planet situated within Wild Space, positioned relatively near the Corporate Sector. This remote world, largely unknown, was encircled by the moons of the affluent Pydyr, Auyemesh and Drewwa. The Empire and the Rebel Alliance mostly disregarded the planet, with Auyemesh and Pydyr, both sympathetic to the Rebel cause, serving as the primary interstellar points of entry in the system. This lack of attention facilitated the ascent of the Je'har, who established themselves as the oppressive ruling class of the planet. Regrettably, the planet also became a frequent target for slave traders.
When Dolph was discovered to possess a connection to the Force, he was a very young man from Almania. He became one of the initial students at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. However, within less than a year, Dolph received news that the Je'har had murdered his parents. Consumed by rage and lacking close companions beyond Brakiss, Dolph departed for his home planet to confirm their deaths. He never made his way back to Yavin 4.
Upon arriving on Almania, he witnessed his parents' bodies displayed impaled before the Je'har palace. Overwhelmed by loathing and fury, he succumbed to the allure of the dark side, swearing to dismantle the Je'har regime. Despite his limited training in dark arts, he possessed sufficient knowledge to channel his rage, transforming into a formidable combatant. He unified his homeworld into a resistance movement and adopted a new persona: Kueller, a name derived from a deceased Almanian general. To enhance his mystique, he consistently donned a Hendanyn death mask, bearing a striking resemblance to Darth Vader.
His forces readily rallied behind him, and his army completely annihilated the Je'har, eliminating all who supported them. Viewing himself as a visionary, and misguided by the dark side—much like Anakin Skywalker's descent into darkness—he redirected his focus towards the New Republic, believing he could avert widespread atrocities on the scale of the Je'har. He contacted his acquaintance, Brakiss, the Imperial agent embedded within Skywalker's academy, whom Skywalker had deterred by prompting him to introspect. Brakiss, a fair-haired young man of noble lineage, had assumed control of a substantial droid manufacturing facility on Telti.

Leia Organa Solo, the Chief of State of the New Republic and President of the Senate, was facing immense pressure stemming from the Black Fleet Crisis political turmoil. Nevertheless, Organa Solo was resolute in moving forward. Her new tenure in the Senate included former Imperial Senators and worlds previously aligned with the Empire, such as the Senator representing Exodeen. Despite assurances from Mon Mothma, she harbored reservations about the situation. Halfway across the galaxy, her brother, Luke Skywalker, sensed an unusual disturbance emanating from Coruscant, detecting a tragic disruption in the Force. Prompted by concern, he promptly departed from Yavin 4 headed towards Coruscant.
Meanwhile, Han Solo was occupied with a request from Jarril, a former smuggling associate, who asked him to investigate a significant anomaly on the Smuggler's Run. Jarril had observed that numerous smugglers had experienced sudden and substantial wealth accumulation, followed by their demise. The two smugglers were separated by a massive explosion that shook the Coruscant skyline.
As Organa Solo ascended to the podium and commenced an impassioned address, powerful explosives detonated within the Imperial Palace Senate chamber. Leia was thrown off balance, resulting in casualties exceeding one hundred Senators, either dead or wounded, and Leia herself suffered hearing loss. Shortly before this, at the peaceful Pydyr, 1,651,305 inhabitants were killed instantly, nearly the entire population, which was the cause of the disturbance in the Force. Han immediately rushed to Leia's aid, discovering that many of her supporters had perished in the blasts. The Senate Hall was devastated, and Jarril had seemingly disappeared.

Upon his arrival on Coruscant, Luke immediately suspected Brakiss's involvement in the incident and began an investigation. Han, reassured of his wife's safety, sought to locate Jarril, only to find that he had vanished without a trace. He concluded that the Smuggler's Run would be the most logical place to search for him. Close to Kessel, where Lando Calrissian was currently engaged in business, Lando encountered Jarril's vessel, the Spicy Lady, adrift in space. Inside Jarril's ship, which incidentally resembled his former ship the Millennium Falcon, he discovered a message stating: "Cargo delivered. Fireworks spectacular. Solo knows. We can count on his involvement." along with Jarril's deceased body. Perturbed, he contacted Han through smuggler Talon Karrde, and reluctantly returned to the Smuggler's Run, hoping to avoid encountering Nandreeson—a formidable pirate harboring a grudge against Lando.
Concurrently, C-3PO and R2-D2 inadvertently initiated their own inquiry into the incident, discovering that Luke's X-wing had been disassembled and reassembled by Kloperian mechanics—and the X-Wing contained a bomb within its computer. Cole Fardreamer, a mechanic from Tatooine who aspired to meet Luke Skywalker, uncovered bombs in other starfighters. However, when the Kloperians detected him, they opened fire on R2-D2.
The political climate on Coruscant deteriorated. The Senate had somehow obtained Jarril's message and promptly implicated Han in the bombing, placing Leia under even greater strain. Luke tracked Brakiss to a droid factory on Telti, where his former student was swiftly defeated by Skywalker in a brief lightsaber duel. Brakiss implored him to travel to Almania, then feebly attempted to persuade him to return to his academy on Yavin. Luke set course for Almania, and as he attempted to land, the bomb within his ship's supposedly secure central computer detonated, causing Skywalker to crash-land. At the capital, Kueller sent a message to the Chief of State, demanding that Organa Solo relinquish control of the Republic to him—or he would kill her family. As the message concluded, Kueller annihilated the entire population of Auyemesh. Utterly disgusted, Leia resigned from her position, appointing Mon Mothma as caretaker, and secretly departed for Almania, aided by a small fleet commanded by General Antilles.
Han and Lando's investigation on the Run was thwarted, with Nandreeson capturing them and creating suspicions that he knew what was going on. The situation was dire for the Heroes of Yavin.

Wedge Antilles' fleet, comprising three MC90 Star Cruisers—Tatooine, Yavin and Calamari–and twenty smaller vessels, including Leia's personal transport Alderaan, entered the system before the Senate could fully grasp the Chief of State's actions. In opposition, three of Kueller's Victory-class Star Destroyer's emerged from hyperspace, initiating a fierce engagement between the two forces. Leia immediately set out to locate her brother, while Cole Fardreamer headed for Telti to investigate the droids. Han and Lando successfully subdued Nandreeson—until the majority of the droids on the Smuggler's Run exploded. These droids had incidentally been part of Jarril's illicit activities—stealing droids from Coruscant. Han evacuated the injured from the Run and rendezvoused with Talon Karrde. The smugglers resolved to travel to Almania.
The wounded Luke finally confronted Kueller in combat, who proved to be a formidable adversary for the injured Master. Skywalker was captured, but with the assistance of a Pydyrian healing stick and a native thernbee he managed to escape and reunite with his sister. Leia insisted that they depart, but Luke refused, determined to face Kueller, who attempted to sway Luke to embrace the dark side. Luke decided that the only course of action was to surrender and allow Kueller to kill him, enabling his spirit to aid Leia. However, the timely arrival of Han, Mara and some Ysalamiri weakened Kueller. Enraged, Kueller threatened to obliterate the Republic with a mere gesture, but as he activated the bombing droids, Artoo Detoo managed to disable the bombs from the base on Telti, despite encountering a security force composed of droids known as the "Red Terror." As Kueller ominously awaited the disturbance in the Force, Leia, disregarding whether her actions were influenced by the dark side, fatally shot Kueller from behind. Kneeling beside his body, she removed his mask and realized the identity of her victim—it was merely a boy.
Wedge Antilles had already skillfully decimated the enemy flotilla—the fleet had been entirely manned by droids. Antilles and his co-commander General Ceousa had exploited the droids' vulnerabilities, effectively neutralizing them. The task force and the Skywalker-Solo family returned to Coruscant as heroes.

The second vote of no confidence against the Chief of State's leadership proved to be a complete failure, as the new Senators rallied in support of Leia Organa Solo. Nevertheless, sustained pressure from the Black Fleet and Almanian political crises had placed her under excessive strain. The Corellian Insurrection's political repercussions would also contribute to her decision to step down from the Presidency indefinitely. The Senate would reconvene in temporary chambers until the Grand Convocation Chamber could be restored.
Luke Skywalker successfully advocated for the deployment of emergency relief teams to the Almanian system to safeguard the Thernbees and the survivors of the bombings. His former apprentice, Brakiss, vanished from Telti, only to resurface later and create more problems with the Second Imperium.
On the Imperial side, Admiral Gilad Pellaeon and Admiral Natasi Daala, mistakenly believing that the New Republic lacked the resolve to confront the Empire, launched a series of attacks following the Uprising at Almania. They were gravely mistaken. The Imperial Remnant was left in ruins in both the Deep Core and Outer Rim Territories— rendering any recovery impossible. They were now a forgotten backwater.
On a positive note, the Fallanassi, who had gained prominence during the preceding Black Fleet Crisis, established a settlement on Pydyr following the resolution of the crisis.