Battle of Almania

The conflict known as the Battle of Almania involved combat between the forces of the New Republic and the warfleet commanded by Kueller, taking place in the Almanian system.


Leading up to the clash, Chief of State Mon Mothma sent Leia Organa Solo aboard her personal starship on a mission to rescue individuals on Almania. She was accompanied by General Wedge Antilles commanding a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser, the Yavin, along with several other smaller spacecraft.

The battle

Upon their arrival in the Almania system, they were immediately engaged by three Victory-class Star Destroyers that launched numerous TIE fighters. While Antilles's fleet kept the Star Destroyers occupied, Leia Organa Solo managed to navigate her personal starship through the battle and land on Almania. Antilles's fleet sustained significant damage during the initial attack.

Suddenly, Antilles noticed the oddly precise maneuvers of the Star Destroyers, deducing that they were operating autonomously. He then gave the order for his flagship's gunners to target other New Republic vessels, firing with enough force to register hits but not enough to cause severe damage, in order to trick the enemy computers into believing his ship was one of them. The automated Star Destroyers then formed a defensive perimeter around Antilles's flagship, at which point he disabled them using precisely aimed turbolaser fire. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker engaged in a duel with Kueller. Luke had previously sustained injuries from Kueller upon landing on the planet. With the assistance of a local creature, a thernbee, Luke managed to evade Kueller. When Leia Organa Solo arrived to rescue him, Kueller confronted them, intending to kill them both. Luke attacked, but due to his weakened condition, Kueller pushed him back, drawing strength from Luke's anger. Leia fired her blaster at Kueller, but he deflected the shots. Skywalker realized that prolonging the fight was only empowering Kueller further. He then resolved to sacrifice himself, similar to what his mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi had done, and guide Leia in defeating Kueller. However, at that moment, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Mara Jade appeared with ysalamiri, which created a void in the Force. Caught within this Force-nullifying field, Kueller was momentarily stunned. Desperate for more power, Kueller prepared to activate a network of detonator-rigged droids positioned throughout the galaxy, intending to harness the power of the disturbance in the Force that would result from the thousands of deaths caused by the explosions. However, before he could execute his plan, Leia Organa Solo shot and killed him.

