On Corellia, resided Dracmus, a female Selonian who was a member of the Hunchuzuc Den. As was typical for Selonians, she was specifically bred for a particular purpose: negotiating with alien species. While she possessed a good understanding of various alien cultures by Selonian standards, her comprehension of Human society remained imperfect. Her role in resolving the Corellian Insurrection was crucial, as she interacted with Han Solo during the events of 18 ABY.
During the initial Corellian Insurrection, Thrackan Sal-Solo, the leader of the Human League, took Dracmus, the female Selonian, as a prisoner. She assured him that she would not attempt to escape, and because Selonians are known for keeping their word, Thrackan placed his trust in her. He permitted her to leave her cell and engage in combat with his cousin, Han Solo. However, Han, having knowledge of Mandaba, the Selonian language, managed to persuade Dracmus to take it easy on him during their fight without Thrackan noticing. Despite suffering injuries and being knocked unconscious, he earned Dracmus's confidence. Following the fight, Thrackan, amused, placed them in the same cell. They discussed the massive interdiction field that prevented travel to or from the Corellian System via hyperspace, and considered potential escape strategies. When the Hunchuzuc Den launched a rescue mission by tunneling through the floor, Solo was allowed to join them.

Subsequently, Dracmus and Solo ventured deep into the Selonian Tunnels beneath Corellia, reaching areas that Dracmus acknowledged no non-Selonian had ever witnessed. They spent days crawling through these tunnels, eventually boarding a basic Selonian cone ship to reach Selonia. Dracmus confided in Solo that the Hunchuzuc Den was one of several rebel factions opposing the Selonian Overden, which sought to secede from the New Republic. The conflict between the Overden and the Hunchuzuc Den involved military clashes, debates, and public relations efforts.
They were joined by Salculd, who piloted the Selonian vessel. The coneship journeyed through the system to Selonia, where they encountered the ship Jade's Fire, piloted by Mara Jade and Leia Organa Solo, Han's wife. However, they were also confronted by Overden LAF-250 starfighters. The coneship, being outdated and lacking sufficient weaponry or shields, sustained significant damage. Thanks to Han's mechanical skills, they managed to survive a controlled crash. Once on the planet, the Humans discovered that the Overden had gained control of the crucial planetary repulsor, securing their victory. Dracmus attempted to negotiate with the Overden. The primary representative for the Overden was a female named Kleyvits. However, with control of the repulsor, Kleyvits was in a position to make demands—specifically, Selonian independence.
The three Humans were held captive and interrogated for a period, but they collectively deduced that the Overden must have received external assistance to control the repulsor. During one of their interrogations, Han questioned Kleyvits about who was operating the repulsor. Kleyvits was unable to provide an answer, which shocked Dracmus, who seized the opportunity to demand an explanation. Kleyvits revealed that her allies were the Selonians of the Sacorrian Triad, who had been exiled generations ago. The fact that the exiles were providing assistance completely undermined the Overden's credibility and shifted the balance of power. Dracmus now held the advantage, as the Sacorrian Selonians were considered utterly dishonored among their exile, and association with them was shameful.
During the Battle of Centerpoint Station shortly thereafter, Dracmus engaged in intense negotiations with the Selonians of the Triad, another delicate public relations battle, to persuade them to relinquish control of the Selonian repulsor. However, the process was progressing too slowly, prompting the trader Mara Jade to suggest a bribe. With a substantial bribe, she managed to convince the Selonians to hand over the instructions for the repulsor, allowing young Anakin Solo and a team of Bakuran engineers to fire the planetary repulsor on Drall and prevent Centerpoint Station from destroying another star. The Triad, Overden, and their ally Thrackan had been defeated. Corellia remained a part of the New Republic, thanks to the Solos, Luke Skywalker, Gaeriel Captison and the Bakuran fleet and Dracmus.

Dracmus possessed a kind nature and a deep concern for her Den, and she desired to support the New Republic. She harbored hatred for Thrackan Sal-Solo due to his crimes, and she assisted his cousin, Han Solo, because he was not cruel like Thrackan. Despite her training in interacting with Humans, she struggled to grasp many Human concepts or values, such as how cousins could be so different, as Selonians in a Den were similar to "hive-minded" individuals like the Taurill. She often interpreted Human expressions literally, such as when told to "keep her shirt on," she inquired of Han which shirt she should wear and why. Dracmus also adhered strictly to orders, refusing to answer any questions from Han when instructed not to reveal anything important to him. Nevertheless, she made every effort to assist Han Solo and demonstrated her caring nature by allowing him to accompany her when her Den rescued her from Thrackan's clutches. Like all Selonians, she valued her family, but she did not grieve when one of her sisters passed away, as she had hundreds, a fact that Humans found peculiar.