Showolter, a male Human with light complexion and hazel eyes, attained the rank of major within New Republic Intelligence and fought in the Yuuzhan Vong War.
Early in his career, whilst holding the rank of captain, Showolter was stationed at a secure location on Coruscant located in the Senate District along with [Saychel]. He was tasked with the protection of high-profile individuals Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian during the First Corellian Insurrection. Operating under the alias Cof Yoly, he also bore responsibility for the well-being of the Yuuzhan Vong defector [Elan] and her companion [Vergere]. Owing to meddling from the Peace Brigade, Showolter suffered a gunshot wound and was compelled to entrust the defectors to Han Solo and the Ryn named [Droma].
Despite this setback, he lived through the ordeal and subsequently witnessed the Battle of Tynna alongside Belindi Kalenda.