The Corellian Blockade represented a major point of contention during the Second Galactic Civil War.
After negotiations between the Galactic Alliance and Corellia reached an impasse, Jacen Solo and Admiral Cha Niathal suggested implementing the blockade to address the escalating issue of Corellian terrorist actions directed at the Galactic capital, Coruscant. Chief of State Cal Omas initially hesitated, but ultimately saw no other viable option, having already rejected the proposition to attack Corellia's shipyards. He authorized the Blockade, and Niathal commanded elements of the Alliance fleet to move into position.
Admiral Niathal approved Colonel Jacen Solo's request to actively participate in the conflict and placed him in charge of Rogue Squadron, with Lieutenant Colonel Jaina Solo and Zekk serving under him. Numerous skirmishes occurred during the Blockade as the Corellians attempted to resupply the orbital factories and shipyards that still housed thousands of workers. Colonel Solo believed that increasing the Corellians' desperation to rescue the workers would expedite their surrender. On one occasion, several Corellian fighters launched an assault on Solo and his squadron. In response, Jacen downed his attacker using what could have been a non-lethal shot. This incident plunged Corellia and the Galactic Alliance into another precarious period of near-war.
Despite facing condemnation from rebellious governments throughout the galaxy, the Blockade proved to be a strategic maneuver. However, during an attempt to deliver supplies to one of the remote stations, a freighter originating from Atzerri targeted Solo with its weapon systems. Reacting swiftly to protect her brother, Jaina Solo neutralized the freighter's armaments. Jacen instructed her to eliminate the retreating freighter, but she refused. Even though his actions were within the bounds of the Rules of Engagement, Jacen's decision to fire upon and destroy the Atzerri freighter, followed by the demotion of his sister for insubordination, deeply disturbed the Jedi Order and his own family. The Atzerri government reacted with fury, declaring the act a 'casus belli'. The Alliance blockade remained in effect, expanding to encompass the remaining four planets within the Corellian system. Consequently, the military zone surrounding Corellia was integrated into a newly established area of space under the control of GA forces.
The Corellian Home Fleet conducted harassment operations against the superior Alliance forces. In collaboration with Prime Minister Dur Gejjen and other Corellian leaders, Wedge devised a strategy to break the blockade. Unbeknownst to Antilles, Gejjen intended to instigate a war with the Hapes Consortium by eliminating their Queen Mother, Tenel Ka, and her daughter Allana. His scheme failed when Han and Leia Organa Solo alerted the Queen to the plot. During the Battle of Hapes, the Corellian clandestine fleet sustained significant damage.
The involvement of Commenor and the Bothan sector in the conflict on the side of Corellia ultimately led to the defeat of the blockade. The combined fleets successfully forced an Alliance retreat, but not before the Alliance ships inflicted substantial damage upon Centerpoint Station. With the GADF withdrawal from the blockade, the Exclusion Zone around Corellia was lifted.