The Corellian Home Fleet, which was also known as the Corellian defense fleet, functioned as the space navy responsible for the protection of both Corellia and the encompassing Corellian system. This fleet held the position of the most significant naval force within the broader Corellian Defense Force.
As a primary fleet component, the Corellian defense fleet operated under the Space Service, a branch of the larger Corellian Defense Force (CDF). Its designated mission was the defense of Corellia and the entire Corellian system. The fleet's central command was based within the Orbital Industrial Zone situated around Corellia.
Leadership of the Corellian Home Fleet, along with the rest of the CDF, was vested in the supreme leader of the Corellian system. This role was initially held by the Governor-General of the Corellian sector, but later transitioned to the Five World Prime Minister. From a military perspective, the CDF and its Corellian Home Fleet were under the command of the Supreme Commander of the Corellian Defense Force.
The Corellian Home Fleet utilized a diverse array of starships, with a significant portion being products of the Corellian Engineering Corporation. The larger capital ships included vessel types such as corvettes (like the CR90 corvette and the CR92a Assassin-class corvette), gunships, frigates, cruiser, and Star Defenders (notably the Strident-class Star Defender). Smaller craft consisted of patrol boats (such as the Pocket Patrol Boat), transports, and Starfighters (for instance, the Corellian attack fighter). Furthermore, decades following the Galactic Civil War's conclusion, the Corellian defense fleet incorporated older models of Imperial starships, including TIE series fighters, A-9 Vigilance interceptors, A-10 interceptors, I-7 Howlrunners and EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates.
Towards the end of the Galactic Civil War, the New Republic secured control over the Corellian system after the downfall of the Diktat's government. Micamberlecto, in his role as the newly appointed New Republic Governor-General of the Corellian sector, assumed command of the Corellian Armed Forces. However, many Corellian personnel, particularly those loyal to the Empire and the Diktat, hesitated to follow the orders of a New Republic appointee. As the Corellian Crisis began in 18 ABY, a significant portion of the CDF's space-based forces betrayed the New Republic, choosing to side with the Triad of Sacorria. Later, when Thrackan Sal-Solo's Human League seized control of Corellia, the remaining Corellian space forces within the system aligned themselves with Thrackan Sal-Solo. Certain elements of the Corellian defense fleet even attempted to capture Leia Organa Solo, the Chief of State of the New Republic.
Over ten years later, following the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Corellian system was under the governance of the Five Worlds regime. By 40 ABY, tensions between the Galactic Alliance and the Five Worlds escalated, triggering the Second Galactic Civil War. This conflict ignited when the Galactic Alliance Navy launched an invasion of the Corellian system during Operation Roundabout. At that time, the Corellian Home Fleet consisted of at least a dozen starfighter squadrons and several hundred capital ships (though none matched the size of the Galactic-class battle carrier). However, many of these vessels were derelict ships used to intimidate and confuse the enemy, masking the location of the functional ships. During Operation Roundabout, the Corellian defense fleet engaged the superior Galactic Alliance space forces, suffering substantial losses. Nevertheless, the Corellian defense forces mounted resistance, preventing the Galactic Alliance from fully occupying Corellia. In response to this setback, the Galactic Alliance Navy initiated a blockade of Corellia. Throughout the blockade, the Corellian Home Fleet conducted hit-and-run attacks targeting Galactic Alliance ships across the Corellian system's five planets. As the conflict intensified, other worlds joined Corellia, forming the Confederation. Confederation space forces then attacked the Galactic Alliance navy within the Corellian system, assisting the Corellian Home Fleet in lifting the blockade of Corellia.