The I-7 Howlrunner, manufactured by Incom Corporation, served as a short-range attack starfighter for the forces of the Galactic Empire throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War.
Featuring an aerodynamic, fixed-wing design, the Howlrunner was characterized by this structure. Functioning as basic maneuvering flaps, two fins extended from the sides. Despite its simplicity, this design afforded the Howlrunner enhanced capabilities compared to the TIE/LN starfighter within both space and atmospheric environments. Their cost was approximately 165,000 credits circa 10 ABY.

The controls were designed for ease of use, allowing almost any pilot with fundamental skills to operate the craft, but only seasoned pilots could unlock its full potential. Although faster than the Rebel T-65 X-wing starfighter or the BTL Y-wing starfighter, the Howlrunner could not achieve the speeds of more advanced fighters like the E-wing escort starfighter.
A key advantage of the Howlrunner over the Empire's TIE Series was its integrated deflector shield generator. This protective measure, combined with the starfighter's small size and light weight, made it a challenging target. However, it was not intended for prolonged engagements or individual dogfights.
The Howlrunner's twin laser cannons delivered relatively low power, and their accuracy was undermined by the fighter's basic targeting system. To compensate, the Empire deployed Howlrunners in large numbers, overwhelming enemies with concentrated fire. This tactic mirrored that of TIE fighters, simplifying the Howlrunner's integration into Imperial squadrons.

Jo Ewsli, a starfighter engineer, initially conceived and designed the I-7 Howlrunner. Inspired by observing a pack of howlrunners, fierce predators native to Kamar, Ewsli sought to replicate their predatory behaviors in a spacecraft. Ewsli believed that the creatures' coordinated attacks and relentless pursuit could be translated into effective squadron tactics with the right starships. He then presented a starfighter that, like its namesake, possessed remarkable speed and agility.
Following the X-wing defection incident, the Howlrunner was the first starfighter that was designed and mass produced by Incom Corporation. The primary motivation behind the Howlrunner's construction was to redirect attention from the company's failure to prevent the X-wing design team's defection and the subsequent theft of the fighter's blueprints.
However, the defection of the X-wing designers caused Incom to become unpopular with the Empire, and Howlrunners were primarily assigned to older starships and outlying bases. Spotting Howlrunners in the hangars of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer was uncommon, though Victory-class Star Destroyers frequently carried them. Despite the Imperial Navy's lack of enthusiasm, rumors circulated that some of Emperor Palpatine's advisors acquired Howlrunners for "personal use". This may have included Kam Solusar during his tenure with the Dark Side Elite, as he brought a two-seat Howlrunner variant when he joined Luke Skywalker's budding Jedi Order.
Although not an exceptional fighter, the Howlrunner's speed made it useful for rapid reconnaissance at remote Imperial outposts. These bases appreciated the Howlrunner, as they often lacked modern starfighters and relied on older TIE/LN models. While the Empire lost most of its TIEs and access to Sienar's manufacturing capabilities during the Galactic Civil War, the Howlrunner production line remained intact, establishing it as a key starfighter within the fleets of the Imperial Remnant.
Even after the Empire fragmented into numerous warring factions, these craft continued to see service. The Wild Knights squadron, led by Saba Sebatyne, also utilized the Howlrunner during the invasion of the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong.
During the Second Galactic Civil War, a number of them were part of the Corellian Defense Force.