The A-9 Vigilance interceptor, a short-range starfighter, saw service with both the Galactic Empire and the Dark Empire after its initial production in 9 ABY.

The A-9's design incorporated simple cockpit controls, which allowed for ease of training. Although it possessed a speed advantage over the TIE Interceptor, its hull was intentionally weakened to decrease its overall weight. However, the presence of independent power generators allowed the ship to wield a potent weapons array for its size.
The A-9's armament consisted of dual laser cannons, housed within a ventral fuselage structure. One of these cannons possessed a slightly higher power output than the other. In the standard configuration, these cannons were fire-linked and directed forward, but some modified versions allowed the guns to rotate downward by 90 degrees for strafing attacks, and also provided independent targeting capabilities. These cannons exceeded the power of those found on the T-65 X-wing starfighter.
Kuat Drive Yards, renowned for producing the Imperial-class Star Destroyers, designed the A-9 in an attempt to gain a foothold in the lucrative Imperial starfighter market. While KDY had been a significant fighter manufacturer for the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, Sienar Fleet Systems, the creators of the TIE Series, largely controlled the Imperial market.
The A-9 was developed to address the Imperial Starfighter Corps' urgent demand for a faster, more agile fighter capable of engaging the New Republic's A-wing interceptor. However, the vessel delivered to the Empire, approximately six years after the Battle of Endor and shortly after the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn, did not completely satisfy these requirements.

Consistent with Imperial design philosophy, the A-9 lacked both shields and a hyperdrive, necessitating operations from established bases or starships. Similar to TIE series fighters, A-9s were typically deployed in large numbers to offset their limitations and were readily replaced when necessary.
Following the rebellion of Norval II against its governor, Abam Tev, and the successful overthrow of its government, the New Republic acquired access to the new A-9 interceptors. This proved beneficial to the struggling New Republic military following the fall of Coruscant, as the A-9, alongside the new E-wing fighter, helped to even the odds when Emperor Palpatine's forces attacked the oceanic world of Dac.
Despite never achieving widespread adoption due to its technical shortcomings, the A-9 continued to appear in Imperial Remnant fleets, as well as in New Republic/Galactic Alliance squadrons for years after its initial introduction. Rumors frequently circulated that KDY was developing the A-10 interceptor, intended to address the A-9's deficiencies. During the Second Galactic Civil War, several A-9s were part of the Corellian Defense Force.
In X-wing Rogue Squadron Issue 22, starfighters bearing a strong resemblance to the A-9 were observed within a captured Imperial hangar on Brentaal IV, although their specific classification remained unconfirmed. These could have been early prototypes of the A-9 or a visually similar predecessor.
A-6 Interceptors received mention in Jedi Quest: The School of Fear, but very little information was revealed beyond their possession of turbolaser cannons and the utilization of astromech droids. It served as the precursor to the A-9 interceptor.