The Battle of Corellia, a significant engagement during the Second Galactic Civil War, transpired in 40 ABY. As a result of this conflict, the forces of the Galactic Alliance withdrew from the Blockade of Corellia, leading to the establishment of the Corellian Confederation. Subsequently, at the urging of Bothawui and Commenor, this entity was soon renamed the Confederation.
The system was suffering due to the Corellian Blockade, and resources were dwindling. However, the recent assassinations of Bothans on Coruscant transformed Bothawui into a potential ally for the Five Worlds. To prevent them from aiding Corellia, the Galactic Alliance frigate Shamunaar oversaw all reconnaissance activities within the Both system. However, the Sith Lady Lumiya successfully manipulated Matric Klauskin, a former Admiral in the Galactic Alliance, convincing him to seize control of the Shamunaar. He then murdered the crew by exposing them to the vacuum of space. Following this, he surrendered the frigate to Tathak K'roylan, who would then command Bothan forces in their effort to break the blockade.
Upon the arrival of the Bothan and Commenorian fleets at the Corellian Exclusion Zone, Corellian forces stationed throughout the system immediately launched from the planet's surface. They initiated an all-out assault on the Galactic Alliance Second Fleet in a determined effort to shatter the blockade. Aboard the Dodonna, Admiral Limpan quickly assessed the unfavorable odds against the combined enemy fleets. Consequently, she directed the majority of Galactic Alliance forces to target Centerpoint Station. Soon after, the Dodonna, Blue Diver, and the Anakin Solo set course to inflict maximum damage before executing a retreat.
As the engagement intensified, Wedge Antilles and Corran Horn took off from the Errant Venture to shield it from attacking Corellian fighters before it could jump to Hyperspace. They were soon reinforced by Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker flying their StealthXs, forming Ganner Squadron, named in honor of Ganner Rhysode. Before departing, the Dodonna instructed the Errant Venture to deploy all available fighters, extending the vulnerability of the lightly armed Star Destroyer. They successfully repelled an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate and six I-7 Howlrunners until the Errant Venture safely entered hyperspace.
With no remaining possibility of defeating the rebel forces, the optimal strategy for the Galactic Alliance task force was to concentrate their firepower on Centerpoint Station. The Blue Diver engaged a pair of Carrack-class gunships, while the Dodonna and Anakin Solo launched an assault on the station. Capitalizing on this, the Bothans inflicted substantial damage on the Dodonna while its turbolasers were fully occupied. Before withdrawing, the Alliance forces managed to create two significant breaches in Centerpoint Station.
The battle proved to be a significant setback for the Galactic Alliance. Any prospect of a peaceful resolution with the Corellians was now gone. Alongside Commenor and Bothawui, Fondor, Bespin, and Adumar also aligned themselves with the newly established Confederation. The loss of planets with major [shipyards](/article/shipyard-legends], such as Corellia and Fondor, represented a critical blow to the Alliance's shipbuilding capabilities.
The Galactic-class battle carrier Dodonna sustained extensive damage during the battle and remained out of service for the remainder of the war while undergoing repairs. In the subsequent weeks, the Galactic Alliance and the Confederation engaged in a series of minor skirmishes targeting each other's shipyards, including the Raid on the Gyndine Shipyards.