A strike occurred in 40 ABY amidst the Second Galactic Civil War. The Confederation launched an assault on the Gyndine Shipyards with the intention of hindering the Galactic Alliance's ship manufacturing capabilities.
To further cripple the Galactic Alliance's supply of warships, the Confederation deployed a Bothan task force. This force, equipped with a Bothan Assault Cruiser and a substantial number of Howlrunner fighters, jumped directly to Gyndine. They strategically utilized the planet's gravity well to slow down, aiming to maintain a surprise advantage.
Upon exiting hyperspace, a small portion of the task force engaged the Millennium Falcon, which was departing for Corellia. Following significant losses, the task force resumed their assault on the shipyards.
Lando Calrissian, present on the Falcon, observed the raid and chose to evacuate his station above the planet to safeguard his personnel.
This attack, along with a series of connected actions, was documented in an Alliance Intelligence briefing concerning the Confederation's operational methods.
The Gyndine Raid is featured in Exile, written by Aaron Allston. It is the fourth book from the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force book series. This raid serves as a relatively small event, with subsequent mentions later in the novel.