Chief of State served as both the head of state and the head of government for the Galactic Alliance. This role involved directing the Office of the Chief of State (executive) and the Galactic Senate (legislative) branches. As the leader within the Galactic Senate, the Chief of State had access to a collection of suites inside the Senate Building, which was situated on Coruscant, the Alliance's capital planet.

To improve the system of checks and balances compared to the New Republic, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances altered the Chief of State's relationship with the Galactic Alliance Senate. The Senate no longer managed the government bureaucracy; instead, the Chief was granted exclusive authority to oversee daily operations through the Office of the Chief of State. This included control over the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, New Jedi Order, and other civilian agencies. Initially, the Chief of State was assisted by the High Council, comprised of both Jedi and non-Jedi members. However, following the Swarm War, the Jedi withdrew, leading to the High Council's dissolution. Subsequently, the Chief of State received advice from the Advisory Council, which served in an advisory, rather than a governing, capacity.
The Galactic Alliance replaced the title "President" with "Chief," specifically "Chief of State." While the Chief of State remained the civilian Commander-in-Chief, the Supreme Commander primarily handled day-to-day affairs. The Coruscant Security Force also provided security and bodyguard services to the Chief of State.
Although Cal Omas was initially elected under New Republic law by the New Republic Senate, and the Chief of State remained an elected position, the Galactic Alliance experienced a period without proper elections. Similar to the New Republic, the Alliance lacked term limits. Cal Omas, the first Chief, served for twelve years without any elections. The Solo-Niathal coup removed him from office and temporarily divided the Chief of State position into two. During this period of joint Chiefs, both positions held equal authority, directly controlling the military due to the ongoing Second Galactic Civil War. Following the war, Natasi Daala was unanimously elected Chief of State, a result of an agreement between the Galactic Alliance military, the Jedi Order, and the Council of Moffs.

Daala's three-year tenure as Chief of State had significant consequences, leading to the office's near-dismantling. Her authoritarian leadership and controversial actions against the Jedi Order resulted in two separate coup d'états—one by the Jedi Council and another by members of the Alliance Senate—leading to her arrest and removal. Daala's fall from power and her authoritarian exercise of authority severely undermined confidence in the Chief of State position. A compromise between the Jedi and the Senate prevented leadership of the Galactic Alliance from being vested in a single individual.
The Chief of State position was indefinitely suspended, and its constitutional authority was transferred to the newly established Triumvirate, consisting of Jedi Grand Master Saba Sebatyne, Senator Haydnat Treen, and General Merratt Jaxton. Executive decisions within the Triumvirate required a two-thirds majority vote to prevent any single individual from controlling the Armed Forces or the Intelligence Service. General Jaxton was later succeeded as Triumvir by Wynn Dorvan, Natasi Daala's former Chief of Staff. Later, the Triumvirate ended when all Jedi, including Master Sebatyne, withdrew from the GA; so the Senate elected a temporary Chief of State, first Padnel Ovin, and after his death, Rokari Kem, possessed by Abeloth. After Abeloth was exposed and defeated, Wynn Dorvan was elected Chief of State.
By 130 ABY, the Triumvirate was reinstated without a Jedi as a Triumvir.
When the Sith triumphed over the Galactic Alliance, Gar Stazi defied the surrender order, assuming leadership and continuing the war against the Sith with his remaining forces.