Wynn Dorvan was a Human male who, at one point, held the position of member in the second Galactic Alliance Triumvirate. Later in his career, he became the Chief of State for the Galactic Alliance. Dorvan's professional life began as a bureaucrat of middling rank during the New Republic's early years. His reputation for honesty garnered him the confidence and esteem of Leia Organa Solo, who was then the New Republic Chief of State. After the Second Galactic Civil War, the newly appointed Chief, Natasi Daala, took notice of Dorvan and offered him a role within her administration, which he accepted. Daala, impressed by his effectiveness, eventually promoted Dorvan to the role of her Chief of Staff.
However, in 44 ABY, Dorvan started to question his involvement in Daala's administration as she faced a highly publicized confrontation with the New Jedi Order and employed harsh tactics to suppress widespread slave revolts across the galaxy. As Dorvan was in the process of writing his resignation, the acting Grand Mastership of the Jedi Order shifted from the easily manipulated Kenth Hamner to the more militant Barabel Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne. Sebatyne swiftly moved to neutralize the threat Daala posed to the galaxy by orchestrating a coup against her.
The Jedi Order established a ruling Triumvirate to govern the Alliance, replacing the Office of the Chief of State. This Triumvirate was designed to represent the Order, the military, and the Senate. Grand Master Sebatyne declined Dorvan's resignation, and he initially remained in his position to serve as her political advisor. Later, he was promoted to become a member of the Triumvirate alongside Sebatyne and Senator Haydnat Treen, taking the place of General Merratt Jaxton.
When the Order withdrew from the Triumvirate, many anticipated that Dorvan would be chosen as Chief of State. However, Klatooinian Senator Padnel Ovin was instead elected as interim Chief of State because his lack of political skill made him an ideal figurehead. Ovin kept Dorvan on as Chief of Staff, and together, they recognized a suspicious undercurrent within the Senate. They then formed an alliance with Admiral Nek Bwua'tu and Eramuth Bwua'tu in a secret club with the goal of uncovering the conspiracy within the government. Their investigation revealed that a large number of the newly elected Senators were actually members of the Lost Tribe of Sith who were plotting a clandestine takeover of the Galactic Alliance. Dorvan aided Han Solo in rescuing his wife Leia from the Sith, who had falsely imprisoned her, while Ovin created a distraction by challenging a recall of his election in the Senate. Although the rescue was successful, Dorvan was captured by members of the Lost Tribe as he returned to his office.
For the following month, Dorvan endured torture at the hands of Abeloth, the new leader of the Lost Tribe and the Galactic Alliance. Pretending to join her cause, Dorvan secretly waited for the Jedi to return to Coruscant. When the Jedi began eliminating Sith imposters across Coruscant, Dorvan suggested that Abeloth pull her forces back into the Jedi Temple, anticipating that the Jedi would follow. However, Abeloth had foreseen the Jedi's strategy. When Dorvan killed her Rokari Kem avatar, it was revealed that Abeloth had been manipulating him from the beginning. Before she could kill him, Jysella Horn and her brother Valin intervened and saved him.
After the Jedi successfully defeated the Lost Tribe and Abeloth, Dorvan was elected interim Chief of State by the Senate and took on the difficult task of restoring order to the Alliance.
Initially, Wynn Dorvan worked for the New Republic as the underdeputy of tenolodium reserves. During this period, he discovered that his supervisor was running a profitable skimming operation. Instead of using this information to get a share of the profits for himself, Dorvan risked his own safety to inform Leia Organa Solo, the current Chief of State of the New Republic. This act fostered a strong sense of trust and respect between Organa Solo and Dorvan. From that point forward, he advanced quickly through the ranks of both the New Republic and its successor, the Galactic Alliance. He eventually became the personal aide and later the Chief of Staff to Chief of State Natasi Daala.

When Jedi Knight Jysella Horn was affected by an enigmatic illness, Dorvan was the first to see the news on the HoloNet and inform Daala. Following this, Daala praised Dorvan's work and suggested a promotion. Dorvan declined, joking that a higher position would mean having subordinates, which he didn't want. Despite Dorvan's reluctance, Daala appointed him as her Chief of Staff and assigned Desha Lor, a Twi'lek, as his personal assistant.
When he found out about Daala's plans to use Mandalorian commandos to ensure the Jedi's cooperation, Dorvan secretly contacted Han and Leia Solo to inform them. He had initially intended to use Jagged Fel to contact them discreetly, which caused tension between Jag and his future in-laws because he kept the secret to himself and Jaina.
Later, Dorvan informed Daala about the suicide of Cha Niathal and witnessed firsthand the psychosis affecting Jedi Knights when the Jedi Sothais Saar became paranoid and delusional in Dorvan's presence. Dorvan's quick thinking was crucial to his survival.
Dorvan later became friends with the redeemed Jedi Raynar Thul, who had lunch with him every day on the steps of the Jedi Temple. When the Temple was under siege and Kani Asari was murdered by the Mandalorians, Dorvan saved Thul's life when he went to have lunch on the steps. This prompted Dorvan to remove Asari's body from the steps, defying the Mandalorians' order that she remain there as a warning to the Jedi about their terms.
He also had a chitlik named Pocket. During the Tendrando Arms Celebrity Sabacc Charity Challenge, Dorvan was on board the Errant Venture when Captain Booster Terrik began firing on orbital mirrors in front of the Chief of Staff. This was supposedly to force Daala to release his grandchildren, but it was actually a diversion to draw the Sixth Fleet's attention away from the Jedi Temple to ensure the secure launch of their StealthXs to reinforce Luke Skywalker on Pydyr. The Errant Venture then jumped into hyperspace, taking Dorvan and many other Coruscanti elites with it. Dorvan won the tournament and was rumored to be considering retirement. He was evacuated, along with the others, on Borleias, where he was immediately returned to Coruscant to be debriefed by Daala.
When Grunel Ovin, the leader of the Klatooinian resistance movement against slavery, the Sapience Defense Front, committed suicide by detonating the ship Fireborn while on his way to his trial, Daala decided to use Mandalorians against the Klatooinians. Dorvan followed orders and gave the mobilization order, but he was fed up with Daala's increasing paranoia and bloodlust against those who defied her, so he began drafting his resignation letter. When Daala's decision to send the Mandalorians to Klatooine was leaked to the press, Daala's paranoia intensified, and she even suspected Dorvan of being the leak, losing trust in him.
Concurrently, the Jedi Order launched a coup to remove Daala from office. Unbeknownst to either party, another group of conspirators had also planned a coup against Daala. The latter group incapacitated Daala with a stun bolt, having taken over her security detail under the orders of Admiral Sallinor Parova, one of the conspirators. The former group made a deal with Senator Haydnat Treen, the leader of the conspiracy, to establish a joint transition government: a Triumvirate consisting of Saba Sebatyne, the acting Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Senator Treen, and General Merratt Jaxton, Chief of Starfighter Command. The Senate approved this arrangement. Dorvan was kept under unofficial house arrest in his office during the coup. He was later brought to Master Sebatyne, who informed him of the government changes. Dorvan resigned as Chief of Staff, stating that he didn't want to be part of a government that wanted to destroy Natasi Daala, for whom he still had some respect. He was later convinced by Sebatyne to stay and rescinded his resignation. His first task as the Triumvirate's Chief of Staff was to find ten worlds that would give Daala a fair trial. He also persuaded Sebatyne not to drop the charges against former Jedi Tahiri Veila since she was being tried for a valid reason and not because of Daala's personal prejudices. Dorvan believed that this would reduce the Jedi Order's critics by about half.
Some time later, Dorvan was appointed to replace General Jaxton as Triumvir, although the reason for this change is not detailed. In this role, he was responsible for overseeing the admission or rejection of new star systems that had been liberated by slave uprisings into the Alliance. When Luke Skywalker returned to Coruscant and announced that the Jedi were withdrawing from the capital and becoming an independent entity no longer aligned with the Alliance, plans were made for the Senate to elect Dorvan as the sole interim Chief of State until a formal election could be held. However, Senator Treen's conspiracy saw this as an opportunity to ensure their plans to reform the Empire would proceed. The Senate eventually elected Padnel Ovin, a new Senator and former terrorist leader, as the interim Chief of State. However, Ovin realized that this was a plot to use him as a puppet and, knowing that Dorvan was more skilled in politics, asked him to remain as Chief of Staff.
During a Senate session, Dorvan helped free Leia Organa Solo from prison, using a secret passage that led from the Chief of State's office to the Jedi Temple Meditation Garden. On his way back, Dorvan was captured by three Sith from the Lost Tribe until he was approached by Kem, who was actually Abeloth in disguise. She revealed her true form, to Wynn's horror. He was captured and brutally tortured by Abeloth for several days, but to her surprise, he refused to give up any valuable information. Abeloth decided to make Wynn her aide in order to plan her rule on the planet until the Jedi began attacking the Lost Tribe across the planet. During the Liberation of Coruscant, the Sith retreated into the Jedi Temple on Wynn's advice.
While the Sith prepared for the arrival of the Jedi, Dorvan was tricked by Abeloth into killing her Rokari Kem avatar using a secretly stolen blaster, so she could transfer her essence into the Jedi Temple's computer core. Dorvan was trapped in the core's room until he was found by Jysella Horn during the Jedi strike team's mission to open the Temple to Admiral Nek Bwua'tu's commandos. Despite Abeloth's power, Dorvan managed to escape with the help of the Jedi survivors so he could reconvene in a meeting with the Jedi Council and several political and military officials to discuss how to best defeat Abeloth and the Sith. Dorvan insisted that killing Abeloth through conventional means would be impossible, as she would be able to foresee any attack planned by Admiral Bwua'tu even before he decided on it. This was only worsened by the apocalypse that Abeloth was causing on Coruscant.
Following the defeat of Abeloth and the Sith, it took three months to repair the damage Abeloth had inflicted on Coruscant. Dorvan was elected as Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, but the surviving public decided that the Jedi Order should be permanently exiled from Coruscant, overriding his veto. Luke Skywalker conceded to the consensus, believing that the Jedi could not afford to allow Coruscant to be a target, but he still left a few Jedi bodyguards to protect Dorvan and watch for Sith infiltrators.
Some time later, Dorvan was approached by Garik Loran, who had secretly reassembled Wraith Squadron to expose and capture Generals Stavin Thaal and Borath Maddeus as members of the Lecersen Conspiracy. Dorvan rewarded Loran by appointing him to Maddeus' former position as head of Galactic Alliance Security.