Grunel Ovin, a Klatooinian male, spearheaded the Sapience Defense Front, an organization dedicated to combating slavery. In the year 44 ABY, forces representing the Galactic Alliance apprehended Ovin and detained him on the CC-7700 frigate known as the Fireborn. While confined in the ship's brig, Ovin received a visit from Hunor, the Falleen captain, who offered the Klatooinian a deal: his own death in return for becoming a martyr. Subsequently, the freedom fighter created a scathing message directed at Chief of State Natasi Daala; as this message was disseminated throughout the HoloNet, Ovin, along with all members of the Fireborn's crew, perished in the frigate's explosive destruction above Coruscant. After his demise, Ovin's brother, Padnel, took over as the leader of the Sapience Defense Front.