Padnel Ovin, a Klatooinian male and champion of freedom, took over the leadership position in the Sapience Defense Front following the death of his brother, Grunel, who previously held the role. When Klatooine joined the Galactic Alliance as a member world, Padnel was chosen to be the first representative for his homeworld in the Senate situated on Coruscant. Following the Jedi Order's declaration of independence from the Galactic Alliance, the governing Triumvirate was dissolved, leading the Senate to reinstate the previously suspended Office of the Chief of State.
Amidst the Senate's efforts to quickly stabilize the government's executive branch, Padnel Ovin was elected to the position of Chief of State for the Galactic Alliance. Despite his hasty inauguration, Ovin was fully aware that his election was merely a result of voters seeking to control the executive branch by installing a powerless figurehead. Consequently, he appointed former triumvir Wynn Dorvan as his Chief of Staff. Further, he forged an alliance with the secret organization known as Club Bwua'tu in an effort to solidify his tenuous grasp on power.
Despite the measures taken by Chief Ovin to strengthen his new position, his time in office was extremely brief. The dark side entity Abeloth assassinated Ovin in an attempt to usurp his position as leader of the Galactic Alliance. Disguised as Rokari Kem, a senator from the planet Qaras who had been consumed by the entity, Abeloth utilized Kem's widespread popularity and her own powers of persuasion to successfully become the next elected Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance.